About Us:
The Citadel Pride Alliance works to foster an inclusive workplace culture and open campus community that supports LGBTQ+ faculty, staff and students. The mission of the Group is to build connections among the campus community, LGBTQ+ staff, faculty, alumni, and allies in order to better support each other and to ensure safe spaces are available for LGBTQ+ cadets on campus. The Group also works towards understanding and cultural awareness to advise The Citadel on programs and services for inclusion in support of the LGBTQ+ community.
We welcome all staff, faculty, and alumni who are either allies or members of the LGBTQ+ community to join our monthly meet-ups. To join our listserv and receive updates about meetings and events, please send an email request to our secretary at seldridg@citadel.edu.
Upcoming Events:
Monthly Virtual Coffee Hour – Third Thursday of every month, 4:00-5:00pm – Zoom Link
Mental Health Awareness Event – TBD
Designated LGBTQ+ Affirming Spaces on campus:
Bond Hall 287 – Office of the Director of Clinical Practices and Partnerships, Zucker Family School of Education
Bastin Hall 324 – Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business
Contact Us:
Co-Chair: Mark Rosenbaum
Bastin Hall 324
Email: mrosenba@citadel.edu
Phone: (843) 953-7468
Co-Chair: Mary Chapman
Bond Hall 303
Email: chapmanm@citadel.edu
Phone: (843) 953-7245
Secretary: Steph Eldridge
Bond Hall 287
Email: seldridg@citadel.edu
Phone: (843) 953-1370