Our Location
Address: 9 Hammond Ave, Charleston, SC, 29409
Phone: 843-953-4827
Fax: 843-953-6860
Email: citadel@musc.edu
Administration Office Hours: 0830-1630

Important Information
At this time, infirmary services are provided for Citadel Cadets only and are not open to the public.
At this time, counseling for personal mental health concerns and psychiatry services for medication evaluations and monitoring are provided for currently enrolled Citadel undergraduate and graduate students who can attend “in-person” appointments at the clinic.
Mission Statement
The Citadel Infirmary supports the educational mission of The Citadel by providing accessible and high-quality health care to The South Carolina Corps of Cadets. We strive to maintain the physical, psychological, and social health of cadets through an interdisciplinary team approach to providing primary care and promoting health education and wellness. Our values are confidentiality, respect for diversity, promotion of wellness, and continuous professional growth.