Educate and develop principled leaders
Increase integration of the leadership model in curricular, co-curricular, and athletic programs.
- Design, fund, and construct a Leadership Reaction Course (LRC) and develop its associated training curriculum.
- Develop policies and procedures to vet co-curricular, experiential, and athletic activities that are included on the leadership transcript.
Provide high-impact experiences for Citadel cadets and students through international education abroad and domestic programs.
- Develop high impact practices (e.g. study abroad, practicums) as part of The Citadel in East Africa initiative (Kenya/Rwanda).
- Enhance and expand advising services for international students and students participating in international education abroad and domestic programs.
- Coordinate with the Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business to incorporate study abroad into graduate programs.
- Identify and expand potential abroad experiences for short-term faculty-led summer and semester long programs.
- Expand the Global Scholars Program to eight international sites.
- Provide scholarships to cadets and students for summer study away and development funds to faculty for creating new programs.
- Increase number of international cadets in the Corps of Cadets.
- Streamline processes and develop ways to incorporate the abroad experience in degree programs, including new software to assist in the process.
Grow cadet and student participation in high-impact Service Learning and Community Engagement (SLCE).
- Implement Peer Leaders in Undergraduate Service (PLUS) program to increase cadet leadership opportunities and to better coordinate service learning experiences in the community.
- Increase the funding for and the number of cadets and students participating in the summer SUCCEED (Summer Undergraduate Community-based Civic Engagement Experience for Development as Leaders) Fellow experiences.
- Increase funding for and the number of cadets and students participating in alternative break experiences.
- Increase the number and variety of courses that integrate SLCE.
- Increase the number of faculty incorporating service learning in their courses.
- Increase SCCC and CGC student participation in SLCE.
Establish the Krause School of Leadership and Ethics.
- Establish the necessary infrastructure to support the operations.
- Create and articulate a clear vision and mission statement to guide its purpose and direction.
- Design and implement a comprehensive curriculum and executive education programs that align with the objectives and values.
- Seek Carnegie classification for Leadership for a Public Purpose.
- Develop promotional plan for 6th Academic School of The Citadel.
- Create a marketing strategy aimed at attracting prospective students and faculty members to the Krause School.
- Utilize digital platforms, participate in educational fairs, and host networking events to promote the Krause School.
- Prepare a detailed budget covering construction, operation, salaries, and marketing.