Ensure The Citadel has the leadership, talent, diversity, and inclusive culture to accomplish its mission.
Recruit, retain, and compensate talented and diverse faculty and staff.
- Design and implement a mentoring program for faculty and staff.
- Align and structure a total rewards strategy to recognize our top employees.
- Recruit and retain diverse faculty and staff in underutilized groups, as indicated by federal and state Affirmative Action Plan (AAP).
- Implement compensation philosophy and strategy that ensures that compensation at The Citadel remains internally equitable and externally competitive.
- Create an improved employee experience through consistent and streamlined hiring and onboarding practices.
- Expand professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
- Invest in employee and faculty development opportunities.
Promote and cultivate inclusive excellence.
- Maintain awareness of and participation in a mentoring program for women cadets.
- Increase training and development related to diversity and inclusive excellence.
- Expand diversity and inclusive excellence outreach and CitListen sessions.
- Seek external funding to support diversity and inclusive excellence initiatives.
Ensure that our processes enable our cadets, students, faculty and staff to do their best work.
- Strengthen and expand faculty development opportunities to support pedagogy and innovation in the classroom in both face-to-face and online environments.
- Establish evidence-based tools and programming to optimize the distinctive Citadel academic experience and leadership mission.
- Recognize innovation and excellence in teaching through Scholarships of Teaching and Learning Research Grants and Conferences and new awards.
- Institute an annual award program to formally recognize faculty, staff, and departments that leverage innovation.
- Endow Center for Teaching Innovation faculty fellows programs.
- Increase funding for faculty and staff development.
- Implement new Banner module to support grants.
- Implement a dashboard for college decision-making.
Pursue potential applications, benefits, challenges, and ethical implications of generative AI at The Citadel.
- Establish a Generative AI Advisory Taskforce.
- Increase training and development related to artificial intelligence.
- Create guidelines for the ethical and effective use of generative AI at The Citadel.
- Develop and implement guidelines for addressing academic integrity.
- Design processes and methods for the ongoing evaluation and refinement of generative Al implementation in academic programs and courses.
- Host an Artificial Intelligence Summit.