Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The Citadel African-American Society
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to initiate dialogue, foster cohesive bonds, and precipitate changes to the social climate of this campus that will benefit all members of the Citadel community of African descent. Moreover, this organization will serve as the primary thoroughfare of our “sense of community” on this campus.
Article III: Function
Section 1.
This organization shall be dedicated to the health, welfare, and safety of all black members of the Citadel community.
Section 2.
This organization shall serve as a social support mechanism for all black Citadel students and shall be the conduit of political, cultural, and academic awareness on this campus.
Section 3.
This organization vows to serve as the unswerving champion of all causes, socially and culturally, for the greater Citadel community.
Article IV: Affiliation
This organization shall maintain affiliation with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Cadet Activities Department. This organization shall aim to forge alliances with other culturally aware organizations on and off-campus.
Article V: Membership
Section 1.
Any student who attends The Citadel (cadet, evening/graduate student, part-time, or full-time) and who believes similarly with the purpose of this organization shall be eligible for membership.
Part 1. An individual so qualified shall be declared an active member upon verbal recognition from said individual.
Part 2. Membership lasts for one (1) academic year unless renewed by said individual.
Part 3. Only full-time cadets are eligible to run for office.
Section 2.
Citadel staff and faculty are eligible for associate membership. Part 1. Staff and Faculty will not be eligible to vote or run for office.
Section 3.
Voting privileges are limited to members.
Article VI: Officers
Section 1.
The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, and Sergeant-at-Arms. These offices shall perform duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by this organization. Also, these officers should maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
Section 2.
Officers shall be nominated from the floor and elected by a floor vote. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the active members that vote. All officers shall be elected from among the organization’s membership. One person shall hold no two offices.
Section 3.
Active members at the election meeting shall decide the election of officers.
Part 1. All persons seeking election must inform the President at least one meeting prior to the elections.
Part 2. During elections, each candidate will be asked to verbally inform the voters of their desire for office.
Part 3. Graduating seniors are not eligible to run for office.
Part 4. Proxy voting will be allowed only in extreme cases of emergency. The proxy voter must have a written statement from an absent voters that states why they cannot be present to vote, the name of the proxy voter, who they are voting for, and their signature. This statement must be submitted upon voting.
Part 5. Students going abroad for a semester, or for some reason will not be at The Citadel for the next full academic year, cannot be voted into office.
Section 4.
A term of office shall be one (1) year or until a successor is elected and installed.
Section 5.
Any person holding an elected office may be removed for good cause by petitions declaring reasons for removal with signatures from no less than two-thirds of all active African-American Society membership. Furthermore, the signature of the advisor must also be obtained.
Section 6.
Vacancies shall be filled by special election.
Section 7.
Immediately following elections, new officers shall “shadow” retiring officers in order to provide a smooth transition period.
Article VII: Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The President shall preside over all African-American Society meetings.
Part 1. Will represent the membership to the administration of the college, faculty, and Cadet Corps.
Part 2. Shall have the privilege of sitting as a voting member on any Society committee.
Part 3. Shall appoint chairpersons for ad-hoc committees with the agreement of the membership.
Part 4. Shall delegate Society duties to officers as well as active members.
Section 2.
The Vice President shall be empowered to assume all the duties of the President in said person’s absence.
Part 1. Shall be an ex-officio member on all Society committees.
Part 2. Shall handle all logistical responsibilities of Society (e.g., room reservations, van acquisition, etc.)
Part 3. Shall perform additional duties as prescribed by the President.
Section 3.
The Secretary shall be responsible for all administrative duties of the Society.
Part 1. Shall make meeting announcements when applicable.
Part 2. Shall be responsible for communicating all official words from the President to the general membership.
Part 3. Shall complete and maintain all clerical obligations of the Society.
Part 4. Shall perform additional duties as prescribed by the President or Vice President.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer and will be concerned with balancing the budget, finding additional funds, and keeping members informed of the financial status of the Society at every meeting.
Part 1. Shall work with the Advisor to the Society to maintain the accurate status of the account.
Part 2. Shall keep a copy of the Society account transactions.
Part 3. Shall vigilantly collect dues for the society once a semester.
Part 4. Shall serve as Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee.
Part 5. Shall perform additional duties as prescribed by the President or Vice President.
Section 5.
The Chaplain shall set the spiritual tone of the organization and all Society functions.
Part 1. Shall be responsible for setting the proper tone at the beginning and end of each general meeting.
Part 2. Shall be Chairperson of the Church Visitation Committee.
Part 3. Shall keep the Society informed of all spiritually related activities pertaining to the membership.
Part 4. Shall perform additional duties as prescribed by the President or Vice President.
Section 6.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for enforcing professional decorum and presentation at all Society functions.
Part 1. Shall assist the President with any official investigations that may arise.
Part 2. Shall maintain the good order of all Society meetings.
Part 3. Shall perform additional duties as prescribed by the President or Vice President.
Article VIII: Meetings
Section 1.
All Society meetings shall be open to the general public and the entire student body of The Citadel.
Part 1. The President maintains the right to call the meeting into Executive Session and request all visitors and non-active members to be excused.
Section 2.
The general meetings of the Society shall be held on every other Wednesday of each month.
Section 3.
The President and/or Vice President may call emergency meetings. The purpose of said meeting should be disclosed in the announcement.
Section 4.
At the commencement of a Society meeting, a simple majority shall hold the right to change the agenda.
Article IX: Standing Committees
Section 1.
Society activities shall be implemented primarily through the standing committees of which there are four (4): Fund Raising, Church Visitation, Community Outreach, and Political Action.
Section 2.
Each standing committee shall be chaired by a respective Society member and shall be composed of Society members.
Section 3.
Each standing committee member will aid the chair in the completion of the duties and responsibilities assigned to that particular chair.
Article X: Ad-Hoc Committees
Ad-hoc committees shall be created at the discretion of the Society for the purpose of attaining goals not attainable through general committees. The President selects members from the Society membership.
Article XI: Amendments to the Bylaws
Section 1.
The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Society membership for review.
Section 2.
A general meeting will be held to discuss the amendment to obtain the feelings and opinions of the membership.
Part 1. A majority of the members must be present in order to begin voting .
Part 2. A majority of the members must be present in order to pass or fail the amendment.
Section 3.
All changes will take effect immediately following the acceptance of the amendment.
Article XII: Sovereignty of Bylaws
Section 1.
These bylaws, once passed, supersede and override all previous constitutions and bylaws of this organization.
Section 2. Once ratified, these bylaws will take effect at the next general African-American Society meeting.