High School Students Army ROTC Scholarships – Your Application Process Starts Below
National Army ROTC Scholarship
Awards high school students four-year or three-year scholarships. Upon completion of the program, you will commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Active Army, National Guard, or Army Reserves. The application for the National Army ROTC Scholarship opened on June 12th, 2024.
Learn about ROTC scholarships and leadership training at The Citadel.
Army ROTC Scholarship Deadline 2024-2025
- First Round due October 14, 2024. These applications will be reviewed from October 21-25, 2024.
- Second Round due January 20, 2025. These applications will be reviewed from January 27-31, 2025.
- Third Round due March 17, 2025. These applications will be reviewed from March 24-28, 2025.
Please click here to begin the process.
What does the Army ROTC Scholarship Cover?
If a student receives the Army ROTC Scholarship; they can elect to use the benefits towards tuition and fees OR Room and Board. The Army ROTC Scholarship does not cover both expenses. Additionally, a student can expect to receive the following once they complete the Army ROTC contracting process.
1) 100% tuition and fees OR Room & Board (USACC covers up to $10,000 annually for Room and Board)
2) $1200 book allowance
3) ROTC monthly cadet stipend of $420
4) One-time military uniform allowance.
NOTE: Individuals that elect an ARNG / USAR Scholarship will receive an additional allowance of $200-$300 per month for attending military drills assigned to an ARNG / USAR unit. See more information below.
Army National Guard (ARNG) / United States Army Reserve (USAR) Minuteman Scholarship
The ARNG / USAR Minuteman Scholarship offers the same benefits as the Army ROTC Scholarship. The SMP program offers Army ROTC Cadets the unique opportunity to attend drills with ARNG / USAR units. The program was designed as a mentorship for Army ROTC Cadets offering them the ability to shape their future decisions with calculated and well-informed information. It allows an individual to see what specialty branch fits their personality and career outlook. Minuteman Scholarship recipients are obligated to commision into the National Guard or Army reserve; Recipients do not have the ability to compete for Active Duty Component.
Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarships
Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) and Dedicated ARNG/USAR scholarships are available through the Army Reserve and National Guard for students who desire to participate in the Army ROTC program. These two or three-year scholarships obligate a student to become an SMP cadet while in college and an Officer in the Army Reserve or National Guard after graduation. They are full tuition and fees scholarships (with the option for room and board instead of tuition), additional allowances for books and fees, and a monthly stipend. Qualified cadets may be eligible to receive Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF), as well as Federal and State tuition assistance benefits. Students must be eligible for, and participate in the SMP Program to compete for GRFD scholarships. You must be enrolled in Army ROTC to compete for this scholarship.
Click here for more information.
Click here for information on the SMP Program.
Click here for a video presentation.
Army ROTC Nursing Scholarships
Nursing students who are also Army ROTC Cadets can benefit from unique hands-on nursing opportunities while receiving financial assistance for college. You will gain valuable leadership experience and management training that can benefit you in either a military or private-sector nursing career. The Army ROTC Nursing Scholarship program offers two-, three- or four-year scholarships for undergraduate nursing students. These are full-tuition scholarships (with the option for room and board instead of tuition), additional allowances for books and fees, and a monthly stipend. You must be enrolled in Army ROTC to compete for this scholarship and majoring in nursing.
Army Health Profession Scholarship Program
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the Medical Field, The HPSP may be the program for you. Click here to find out more about U.S. Army Medicine.
Green to Gold Scholarships
The Army Green to Gold Program is designed to offer Enlisted Soldiers in the active Army the opportunity to earn a commission as Army Officers. This program offers enlisted Soldiers several unique ways to earn a baccalaureate or graduate degree. Active Duty Soldiers who earn the Green to Gold scholarship option are released from Active Duty to attend college full-time, participate in Army ROTC, and receive full-tuition benefits.
Click here to find out more information.
Army ROTC Educational Delay Program
The Educational Delay (Ed Delay) program is designed to produce Active Duty Judge Advocates (Lawyers), or health care professionals from current ROTC cadets. The program allows senior year cadets (MS IV) to apply for a commissioning delay in order to attend law school or medical school. Cadets granted an Ed Delay are commissioned after graduation and placed in IRR during the duration of law school. Participation in Ed Delay does not guarantee that the cadet will be selected for the JAG Corps, but it does greatly increase the chances of selection.