Transfer Guide
Students who begin their education at a South Carolina technical/community college have the opportunity to complete two degrees: 1) an Associate in Arts and 2) a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. While attending the technical/community college, students will enroll in specified courses to satisfy requirements for an Associate in Arts and the general education courses and business prerequisites required for the Business Administration program at The Citadel. Listed below are the courses to be taken at the technical/community college. Upon transfer to The Citadel, students will enroll in upper-level business and general elective courses to complete their BS in Business Administration.
SC Technical College – Associate in Arts to The Citadel – Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Communication and/or Literature (9 Credit Hours)
SC Technical College Requirements for an Associate in Arts | Citadel Course Equivalents |
English Composition I – ENG 101 | ENGL 101 |
English Composition II – ENG 102 | ENGL 102 |
Literature or Public Speaking [1] | Elective |
[1] Students will select to take one of the following courses to satisfy this requirement: ENG 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 214, 218, 222, 230, 236, 260, SPC 205 or THE 101. This course counts as a general elective for The Citadel.
Mathematics/Analytical Reasoning (6 Credit Hours)
SC Technical College Requirements for an Associate in Arts | Citadel Course Equivalents |
MAT 110 + MAT 111 (college trigonometry) | MATH 104 |
Social/Behavioral Science (6 Credit Hours)
SC Technical College Requirements for an Associate in Arts | Citadel Course Equivalents |
Macroeconomics – ECO 210 | BADM 201 |
Microeconomics – ECO 211 | BADM 202 |
Humanities / Fine Arts (6 Credit Hours)
Students will select to take two of the following courses to satisfy this requirement: ART 101, 105, ENG 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 214, 218, 222, 230, 236, MUS 105, PHI 101, PHI 105, PHI 110 or THE 101. These courses count as a humanities credit for The Citadel.
Lab Sciences (8 Credit Hours)
Students will select to take two of the following courses to satisfy this requirement: AST 101, 102, BIO 101, 102, 210, 211, 225, CHM 110, 111, GEO 101, GEO 102, PHY 201, 202, 221 or 222. Courses do not have to be in sequential order for transfer. These courses count as lab sciences for The Citadel.
Concentration / Required Core Electives (15 Credit Hours)
Students must select two history courses and three additional courses to satisfy this requirement: ANT 101, FRE 101, FRE 102, FRE 201, FRE 202, GER 101, GER 102, HIS 101, 102, 201, 202, PSC 201, 215, PSY 201, 203, 208, 212, SOC 101, 102, 205, 206, 210, 220, 235, SPA 101, SPA 102, 201, 202 or any courses under the Humanities / Fine Arts category.
Electives (12 Credit Hours)
SC Technical College Requirements for an Associate in Arts | Citadel Course Equivalents |
Accounting Principles I – ACC 101 | BADM 211 |
Accounting Principles II – ACC 102 | BADM 212 |
Microcomputer Spreadsheets – CPT 174 | BANA 101 |
Probability and Statistics – MAT 120 | BADM 205 |
Total Credit Hours: 62