The minor in business administration is designed to allow students the opportunity to learn the foundations of business, including leadership and management skills. The elective course is designed to allow students to learn about a functional area in business or to delve more deeply into one of the foundations.

Competencies, Knowledge, or Skills to be achieved
Students explore four main components of business through the study of economic and accounting principles, marketing principles, and human resource leadership for the purpose of optimizing business performance and organizational value.Through the elective choice, students will achieve additional knowledge or skill in one of the following foundational or functional areas.
This minor is not approved for students majoring in accounting, business administration, finance, management, marketing and business development, or supply chain management.
Structure of the Business Minor
Required Courses (12 credit hours)
Course ID | Course Title |
ACCT 205 | Survey of Accounting |
ECON 205† | Survey of Economics |
MGMT 303 | Management & Organizational Behavior |
MKTG 301 | Principles of Marketing |
† May also take ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
Elective Course** (3 credit hours)
Choose one of the following
Course ID | Course Title |
BLAW 301 | Legal & Ethical Environment of Business |
BLAW 303* | Commercial Law |
BLAW 311 | Principles of Real Estate |
ENTR 401 | Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship |
ENTR 411 | Technology & Entrepreneurship |
ENTR 421 | Applying Innovation |
FINC 304 | Financial Markets & Institutions |
FINC 402 | Personal Finance |
MGMT 305 | Business Leadership |
MGMT 307* | Leading Inclusion & Diversity |
MGMT 311* | Human Resource Management |
MGMT 313 | Team Building |
MGMT 315* | Management of Change |
MGMT 411 | Business Ethics |
MGMT 431 | International Business |
MKTG 302 | Personal Branding & Networking |
MKTG 303* | Business Development I |
MKTG 401* | Marketing Management |
MKTG 402* | Business Development II |
MKTG 403* | Marketing Analytics & Inquiry |
MKTG 404* | Negotiations & Conflict Resolution |
MKTG 405* | Create your own Adventure |
MKTG 406* | International Marketing |
MKTG 407* | Consumer Behavior |
SCMT 301* | Principles of Operations Management |
*Prerequisites must be met – see course descriptions for prerequisite requirements
**Other three credit hour courses must be approved by the ME Department Head
Total Credit Hours Required: 15 (at least 9 of which must be completed at The Citadel)
Note: Please refer to Academic Minor policy within the Undergraduate Curriculum section of the College Catalog regarding the applicability of courses towards core major curriculum and minor curriculum requirements. For more information, please contact the Management and Entrepreneurship Department Head.