Financial Management Association: National Honor Society

The Financial Management Association National Honor Society recognizes undergraduate and graduate students that have demonstrated superior scholarship and achievement in the area of finance at colleges in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. It is the only international organization that specifically rewards outstanding academic performance in the disciplines of finance and financial services.
The Citadel Chapter of the FMA National Honor Society was first established on October 1st, 2012 by the chapter’s faculty advisor Dr. Iordanis Karagiannidis and Andrew Munnerlyn, the chapter’s first president. Its objective is to honor Citadel students that meet the eligibility requirements.
Participation in the Citadel Chapter of the FMA National Honor Society has many benefits for the students:
- FMA National Honor Society recognition (certificate and lapel pin)
- Recognition on FMA’s website (updated quarterly)
- Recognition on the Citadel Chapter’s FMA NHS website
- One year subscription to the Journal of Applied Finance, Financial Management and the Financial Management and FM E-newsletter
- Access to the online resource guide Careers in Finance
- Access to additional benefits at the FMA student chapter website (
- Participation in FMA’s annual student conference, the Finance Leaders’ Conference
- Electronic Membership with the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII – $29 value, for FREE)
Students that do not meet the eligibility requirements for the National Honor Society can become regular (non-NHS) FMA members and have access to the same benefits except the National Honor Society recognition, certificate and lapel pin. After graduation, Citadel students, can continue their membership as alumni members for two years at no extra charge.
Eligibility requirements
- Be a current Citadel student (undergraduate or graduate)
- Junior or senior class standing (undergraduate) or have completed one-half of required coursework (graduate)
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.5 (graduate) or 3.25 (undergraduate)
- Have taken at least six (6) hours of finance-related course work
- Have a minimum GPA or 3.5 in finance-related course work
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact the chapter’s faculty advisor, Dr. Iordanis Karagiannidis at