NOTE: Graph adapted from Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (Dimeff, Baer, Kivlahan, & Marlott, 1999)
Is more always better?
- More alcohol is not always better – especially if you want to keep your buzz and avoid a hangover or other possible unpleasant consequences.
- You mean, “I can keep my buzz without having to drink more and more alcohol over time?” you ask. Actually, yes! Let’s see how “the more alcohol is always better” myth works…
- A BAC of .02 to .05 (one to three beverages) is associated with the “stimulating effects” of alcohol known colloquially as “the buzz.” Many people associate this level of BAC with the positive aspects of alcohol use.
- After consuming three to four beverages, when your BAC reaches approximately .05 to .06 on the graph above (marked with an X), you will gradually begin to lose your “buzz” and slowly begin to experience the intoxicating and depressive effects of alcohol.
- Continued consumption of alcohol past this point will reduce your buzz even more and will contribute to ever-increasing drunkenness. Many people associate a BAC that progressively moves beyond .07 and .08 with the negative aspects of alcohol use such as increased fights and arguments, increased injuries, increased violations of the law and campus policies, increased risk of sexual assaults and increased risk of blackouts and hangovers.
- In conclusion, it is better to pace yourself and not drink too much too quickly or you will miss the enjoyment of your beverage, the drinking experience and the “buzz.”