Citadel Cyber Village 2024

GenCyber Summer Camps 2024

GenCyber 2023
The Citadel welcomed 20 boys and 20 girls to campus for the GenCyber 2023 Summer Camps in June of this year. During their week of camp, rising 8th-12th grade students learned all about Cybersecurity concepts such as networking security, cyber ethics, cryptography, drone coding, and the Cyber Workforce. It was a fantastic two weeks, and we look forward to GenCyber 2024! Details for registration will be available soon.
Registration is available for GenCyber 2024 summer camps! For additional information regarding this cost-free cyber camp for rising 8th-12th graders, please click here.

Recent Department Events
The Citadel CCS Department was thrilled to celebrate the research efforts of our students along with our award winners at the 2024 Citadel Academy of Science and Mathematics Awards Banquet over the weekend!

Congratulations to the 2024 CASM Cyber and Computer Science Outstanding Students:
Outstanding Freshman: Cadet Jonah Dalton
Outstanding Sophomore: Cadet Kirin Chaplin
Outstanding Junior: Cadet Tobias Wood
Outstanding Senior: Cadet Dalton Hazelwood
Outstanding Graduate Student: Mr. Nicholas Kraftor
WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity)
The WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity) Citadel Chapter did a fantastic job hosting an important panel discussion titled: “Interdisciplinary: How Can Cyber Affect Your Future?” on March 25th.

Special Thank You to the panel moderator, Cadet Elisabeth Southern (President, WiCyS Citadel Chapter), and our panelists, Dr. Aleksandra Scalco, Dr. Shadi Sadeghpour, Dr. Jordana Navarro, Dr. Eva Singleton, and Prof. Cynthia Bolt!
Summer and Competition Events
SGAUS 2023
The Citadel Cyber Team placed 2nd (out of 29 teams!) at the State Guard Association of US (SGAUS) Cyber Exercise that was held in November 2023. This was the first time SGAUS invited students from Senior Military Colleges to participate. The following students represented The Citadel at SGAUS:
(Photo L-R) Cadet Slateon Frederick, Cadet Kirin Chaplin, Cadet Dalton Hazelwood, Cadet Jacob Wood.

RING (Regions Investing in the Next Generation) Teacher Cyber Camp (hosted by Citadel DoD Cyber Institute)
The Citadel DoD Cyber Institute partnered with the RING Program at University of Alabama Huntsville to provide 20 teachers from across the state of South Carolina an opportunity to develop their cyber skillset in order to utilize the curriculum taught by the RING Program in their own classrooms. This training allows the teachers to learn cyber in a hands-on classroom and gives them the tools necessary to teach their students cyber-based lessons. This camp was also aligned with South Carolina Computer Science Professional Development week (CSPD).
To learn more about RING, please visit: K-12 Pathway Program: RING | CAE Community

National Guard Cyber Training (hosted by Citadel DoD Cyber Institute)

CDCI was proud to host approximately 30 National Guard Soldiers to join our team for Cybersecurity training to become certified in Security+ and Network+. These certifications will help the Soldiers advance in their cyber knowledge and develop in their careers.
HackWarz@PCDC / Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition
We are celebrating The Citadel CCS HackWarz Team (Cadets Slateon Frederick , J. Tobias Wood and Dalton Hazelwood) who took home the FIRST PLACE title at HackWarz@PCDC over the weekend of April 15, 2023.

We are proud of all of our CCS Cadets that competed at PCDC (Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition) 2023! The Citadel team did a fantastic job representing us throughout the contest.
Dept. of Cyber and Computer Sciences Annual Banquet 2023
The Citadel Department of Cyber and Computer Sciences recently celebrated our students many phenomenal 2022-2023 achievements during the CCS annual banquet in the Regimental Commanders’ Riverview Room. We proudly recognize all of the distinguished award winners, NSA/CISA CAE-CD Certificate Awardees and other student accomplishments throughout the academic year!
Outstanding Freshman Awardees:
Cadets Kirin Chaplin, Noah Klepper, Robert Powell and Francisco Rodriguez-Vara
Outstanding Sophomore Awardees:
Cadets Ryan Craig and J. Tobias Wood
Outstanding Junior Awardees:
Cadets Dalton Hazelwood and Slateon Frederick
John I. Moore Outstanding Senior Student Awardees:
Cadets Nathanael Ling and Jackson All
Outstanding Achievement Awardee:
Cadet Chotipat Metreethummaporn
Outstanding Leadership Awardee:
Benjamin Race
Outstanding Graduate Student Awardee:
Maria Marquez-Garcia
Academic Excellence Day 2023
Congratulations to the CCS award winners and participants for Academic Excellence Day 2023!
Provost’s Award- 1st Place- Science and Math
Title: Climate Event Detection in Twitter Data
Authors: Cadets Hannah Collee, Addy Liu, Benjamin Prins
Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi
Graduate Student Award
Title: Masquerading IoT devices
Author: Ms. Maria Marquez-Garcia
Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik, Dr. Deepti Joshi
Sigma Xi Award- 2nd Place
Title: Context Aware Access Control for IoT Networks
Authors: Cadets Slateon Frederick, George Honiotes
Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik, Dr. William Johnson
Title: Discovering Influencing Factors for Social Unrest using Clustering
Author: Cadet Dalton Hazelwood
Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: Arabic Text Classification using Weak Supervision
Author: Cadet J. Tobias Wood
Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: Creating User Email DNA to Detect Spear Phishing Attacks
Authors: Cadets Sharize Roper, Brian Mutua, Sebastian Klincewicz
Advisors: Dr. Deepti Joshi, Dr. Shankar Banik
Title: The Application of Graphene in the Energy Industry
Author: Cadets Kirin Chaplin (CCS Student), Victoria Snook, and Meredith Reed with *The Citadel Honors Program
Advisor: Dr. Deidre Ragan
Title: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence…
Author: Mr. Nathaniel Ballard
Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi

CyRF@C Cybersecurity Research Forum @ The Citadel
CDCI (Citadel DoD Cyber Institute) hosted cadets, students and faculty from each of the six senior military college cyber institutes — The Citadel, Norwich University, Virginia Tech, University of North Georgia, Texas A&M and Virginia Military Institute – on April 3 and 4. The purpose of the Cybersecurity Research Forum, or CyRF@C, was to provide undergraduates from each senior military college with a forum to present their cybersecurity-based research in several categories including malware and forensics, data analysis and threatcasting, cryptography, cyber warfare and Internet of Things security.
The conference was funded by the National Security Agency under NCAE-C, or the National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity, and the Senior Military College Cyber Grant program.
Keynote Speakers for Day One
- Maj. Gen. John H. Phillips, ’90, Military Deputy, US Army DCS G-6 & Director, Program Resource Integration HQDA-G6
- Neal Ziring, Technical Director, National Security Agency’s (NSA) Cybersecurity Directorate
- Rich Scalco, Senior Cyber Engineer, US Navy, NIWC Atlantic (Naval Information Warfare Center)
Keynote Speaker for Day Two
- Matthew Isnor, Branch Chief, DoD Cyberspace Workforce Development, US Department of Defense
Panel on DoD Cyber Workforce
- Ashley Greeley, NSA / National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C)
- Hank Osborne, NIWC Atlantic (Naval Information Warfare Center)
- Chief Warrant Officer Two Yolanda Surrency, US Army Cyber Command
- Danielle Phelps, US Army Cyber Command

Visit from the Navy Principal Cyber Advisor
To read the full CyRF@C article, please click here.
CDCI (Citadel DoD Cyber Institute) was honored to welcome Mr. Christopher Cleary, Navy Principal Cyber Advisor, during a recent visit to The Citadel. Mr. Cleary spent time talking with our students, faculty and staff about his role as the Navy PCA and answered several questions from students as well.
Thank you, Mr. Cleary, for investing time in our Cyber and Computer Science students!

NCL at The Citadel
Congratulations to the cyber cadets/students that participated in National Cyber League Fall ’22! The Citadel team landed 19th out of 470 colleges in NCL’s Power Ranking, with individual competitors Cadets Ben Race and Jacob T. Wood placing in the top 100 out of over 7,500 participants.
Please join us in commending all of the NCL participants for their wonderful accomplishment!

Read more about NCL 2022 here: Cyber success: Citadel cadets beat out thousands of students in the National Cyber League – The Citadel Today
CDCI (Citadel DoD Cyber Institute) and the Citadel Department of Cyber and Computer Sciences remind you to “See Yourself in Cyber“.
We all play an important role in cyber safety, whether you are at work, at school, or at home.
4 Things You Can Do…
Throughout October, CISA and NCA will highlight key action steps that everyone should take:
- Think Before You Click: Recognize and Report Phishing: If a link looks a little off, think before you click. It could be an attempt to get sensitive information or install malware.
- Update Your Software: Don’t delay — If you see a software update notification, act promptly. Better yet, turn on automatic updates.
- Use Strong Passwords: Use passwords that are long, unique, and randomly generated. Use password managers to generate and remember different, complex passwords for each of your accounts. A passwords manager will encrypt passwords securing them for you!
- Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: You need more than a password to protect your online accounts, and enabling MFA makes you significantly less likely to get hacked.
For more details, we encourage you to visit Cybersecurity Awareness Month | CISA
Please view the flyer below for events on campus that will celebrate this important month! We hope to see you there.
FEBRUARY 24TH & 25TH, 2022

April 2020 Department Information Session
April 2020 Department Awards Ceremony
Recent Department News
Post and Courier: The Citadel launches bachelor’s degree to train America’s future ‘cyber warriors’.
Citadel Today: Citadel to create a South Carolina CyberCorps with $2.8 million grant.
Past Events
Leaders in Philanthropy
- October 11 & 12, 2019
- Hosted by Foundation
Volunteers Conference
- Hosted by Foundation
Freshman Pumpkin Carving Contest
- October 29, 2019
- 4pm-7pm in Riverview Room
Homecoming Friday
- October 25, 2019
- CSMC Meeting
- Museum Reading Room on 3rd floor of Daniel Library
- Alumni Reception
STEM FRESH Holiday Social
- December 3, 2019
- 5pm-7pm
- Gingerbread house making contest and dinner coordinated by Dean Welch
April 14, 2018 — Students to present at the South Carolina Academy of Science Annual Meeting
Students will travel to Presbyterian College to give oral presentations of their research projects.
April 10, 2018 — Department Banquet to highlight outstanding students and this year’s events
April 7, 2018 — Students to present posters at the annual SC EPSCoR/IDeA program State Conference
Students will travel to Columbia, SC to present posters of research projects completed this year.
March 23, 2018 – Citadel Student Research Conference
Department research projects will be presented at the annual CSRC on campus through posters and oral presentations.
March 6-7, 2018 — Students to attend annual MORS Education and Professional Development Colloquium
February 24, 2018 — Programming team to compete at annual Mercer Contest
February 3, 2018 — 2018 Charleston STEM Festival
Cadets Jacob Blankenship and Elizabeth Spoehel along with Drs. Mei Chen and Bo Li from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science had an exhibit at the annual Charleston STEM Festival held at Brittlebank Park. The students and faculty interacted with local children to promote mathematics and computer science using fun activities.
October 24, 2017 – Students compete at The 2017 Citadel Math Jeopardy Contest I
Six teams consisting of 23 students competed at the annual Citadel Math Jeopardy contest I. Math majors James Andrus, Jamme Butler, Hsin-Yun Ching, and Pang J. Hsu formed the winning team, math majors Skyler Addy, Aaron Gilberto, William Hesse, and Zachary Parker formed the second place team, and third place went to the team of Andrew Burckhalter (MECH), Blayne Hayes (MECH), Brett Lipscomb (CS), and Zachary Smith (MATH).
October 12, 2017 — Cybersecurity Team wins best Forensic Team at 2017 August Cyber Challenge
James Andrus (captain), Andrew Becker, Scott Deaver, John Delpizzo, Michael Gerba, Richard Honeycutt, Tai Lum, Brendan Michel, and Thitiphop Phucharoen won Best Forensic Team $2500 at the 2017 August Cyber Challenge.
August 2017 – Cadet Elizabeth Spoehel receives Department of Defense Information Assurance Scholarship
Elizabeth Spoehel, sophomore computer science and mathematics major, received the DoD Information Assurance Scholarship. After graduation, Elizabeth will be a cyber warrior with the DoD Space and Naval Warfare Center in Maryland.
April 8-10, 2017 — Cybersecurity team competes at 5th Annual Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition
Andrew Fayed, Chris Gibson, Sean Sullivan, and Anthony Zovich competed at the 5th Annual PCDC at Trident Technical College.
April 6-8, 2017 — Students present at National Council on Undergraduate Research conference
James Carignan and Andrew Fayed orally presented their research project entitled “Analyzing Geotagged Tweets to Evaluate India’s Sentiments Through the 21st Century” at the NCUR conference held at the University of Memphis. Their research was supervised by Dr. Joshi.
March 10-11, 2017 — Students compete and present at the Mathematical Association of America Southeast section meeting
James Andrus, Hsin-Yun Ching, Marcus Harbol, Luke Tiscareno, and Welfare Wang orally presented their research projects entitled “Ensuring Secure and Fairly Timed Computer Network Communication,” “Determinant of a Fibonacci Matrix,” “Augmented Happy Function with Complex Variables,” “A Rational Fibonacci to the n,” and “Fibonacci and Lucas Identity with Third and Fifth Power,” respectively. These projects were supervised by Drs. Banik, Florez, Mukherjee, Swart, and Verdicchio.
February 24-25, 2017 — Programming team competes at Mercer Contest
Adrian Beaput, John Delpizzo, Sylvester Freeman, Richard Honneycutt, Andrew Seay, and Wyatt Wilkerson competed at the annual Mercer programming competition at Mercer University.
February 17-18, 2017 — Students present research at Kennesaw Mountain Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
James Andrus, Marcus Harbol, Nathan McAnally, Luke Tiscareno, and Welfare Wang orally presented their research projects entitled “Ensuring Secure and Fairly Timed Computer Network Communication,” “Augmented Happy Function with Complex Variables,” “Identities of the Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials,” “A Rational Fibonacci to the n,” and “Fibonacci and Lucas Identity with Third and Fifth Power,” respectively. These projects were supervised by Drs. Banik, Florez, Mukherjee, Swart, and Verdicchio.
February 11, 2017 — Cadets help at 2017 Charleston STEM Festival
James Andrus and Elizabeth Spoehel show the fun of mathematics to local kids at the 2017 Charleston STEM Festival.
November 4-5, 2016 — Students present research at Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Southeastern Region conference
James, Carignan, Andrew Fayed, Newton McCollum, and Benjamin McIntosh presented their paper Using TWIG: India’s Past Versus Present Via Topic Modeling at the CCSC-SE conference. This project was supervised by Dr. Joshi. James Andrus present his poster “Ensuring Secure and Fairly Timed Computer Network Communication” and was awarded a short oral presentation. His project was supervised by Drs. Banik, Swart, and Verdicchio.
November 2016 — Programming team competes at ACM contest
Oscar Arline, Adrian Beaput, Andrew Becker, John Delpizzo, Richard Honeycutt, Andrew Seay, Adam Swann, Wyatt Wilkerson, and Anthony Zovich competed at the ACM programming contest.
October 29-30, 2016 — Cadet presents research at SoCon Undergraduate Research Forum
James Andrus presented his poster “Ensuring Secure and Fairly Timed Computer Network Communication” at the 2nd Annual SURF conference at Wofford College. This project was supervised by Drs. Banik, Swart, and Verdicchio.
October 19, 2016 — MACS Leadership Day with Google
On Leadership Day, four folks from Google, including Jeff Stevenson, came to Thompson Hall for a Senior Leadership Integration Seminar. They have supported one of these seminars for the past 5 years and Dr. Michael Verdicchio has helped facilitate the last 4 of them. The previous ones have been at the Google office in Ladson, SC but this year there was some access protocol issues outside everyone’s control.
October 12, 2016 — Cybersecurity team competes at Augusta Cyber Challenge
Andrew Fayed, Chris Gibson, Newton McCollum, Sean Sullivan, and Anthony Zovich (captain) placed first among college teams during the final round at the August Cyber Challenge.
September 9, 2016 — Dr. Shankar Banik receives recognition award from the Citadel Board of Visitors
Dr. Shankar Banik was recognized by the Citadel Board of Visitors for the establishment of the Center for Intelligence and Cybersecurity, the earned designation as a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security, and his contribution to academics at the Citadel.
April 2016 — National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education
The Citadel has been designated as a national center of academic excellence in cyber defense education through academic year 2021 by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.