Visit The Citadel – Directions & Maps
Check in for CSI 2025 is on Sunday, July 6, 2025. Arrival for the CSI program begins between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. To enhance efficiency, staggered drop-off times are based on the alphabetical order of students’ last names. We kindly request that you arrive at your designated drop-off time. Family and friends are not be allowed to enter the barracks; CSI staff will assist students. Designated drop-off times below:
- Last names A-E: 8:00 AM
- Last names F-J: 8:30 AM
- Last names K-P: 9:00 AM
- Last names Q-Z: 9:30 AM
Approximately one week prior to CSI, you will receive an email containing a 1-day parking pass. Please print this pass and have it visible in your vehicle upon arrival. This will assist our staff in directing you to the appropriate drop-off location.
Following check-in, we invite you to enjoy a complimentary Parents’ Breakfast on campus. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other families and staff, and no RSVP is required. Additional information will be sent out by the Office of Parent and Family Programs.
Room Assignments
All CSI students live in the barracks with either one roommate in a double room, or two roommates in a triple room. Students receive a room key upon arrival and must turn in their key during check-out on the last day of CSI. There is a $200 fee to replace a lost key.
CSI staff live in rooms adjacent to CSI students and provide supervision. The barracks are under the authority of The Citadel Commandant’s Department. CSI students are subject to all rules and regulations set forth by this department.
Gender segregation occurs in the barracks and no student will share a room with an opposite-gender student. Male and female restroom facilities are separate and clearly marked. Male and female students are allowed in each others rooms, but the door must be open whenever students of the opposite gender are in a room together. Opposite gender students and staff are required to knock and wait for an “all clear” signal before entering any barracks room.
Daily Schedule

Note: This schedule is an example; exact times are subject to change.
Medication and Allergy Management
CSI students can access MUSC Health services at The Citadel, including medical, counseling, and physical therapy. During CSI, medical provider coverage will be available from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM Monday through Friday, with 24/7 nursing coverage and on-call providers available after hours. Emergency cases will be triaged by MUSC staff on campus and directed to MUSC Hospital in downtown Charleston.
| Clinic: (843) 953-4827 | |
| Counseling Center at the Infirmary: (843) 953-4827 | |
| Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) | |
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications: OTC medications are allowed in barracks rooms. Students are required to keep them in a locked drawer to which they have the key. OTC medications are available at the cadet store.
Prescription Medications: Prescribed medications are the responsibility of the student and should remain secured in the student’s barracks, along with any OTC medications.
Medications: Whether prescribed by the Clinic or an outside provider, medications can be sent to MUSC Ashley River Tower (ART) Pharmacy for courier delivery. Please have the provider indicate the patient is a Citadel cadet, or medications will not be delivered to the Clinic.
- Medications are delivered at 5PM on weekdays. Pick-up is any time after delivery.
- Charges will be billed to insurance, and cadets are responsible for the remaining balance.
- If prescriptions are not picked up within 48 hours, they will be returned to the pharmacy.
- A state or government-issued ID is required to pick up controlled substances.
Life-Threatening Allergies: For any life-threatening allergies (e.g., severe allergies to peanut butter, bees, penicillin), it is mandatory for the student to wear Medic Alert jewelry, such as a bracelet or necklace, at all times. This ensures that in the event of an exposure or contact, others can provide assistance in an informed manner.
EpiPen Requirement: Students requiring an EpiPen are required to carry it with them at all times.
Physical Readiness
Physical fitness is a very important aspect of life at The Citadel. The goal of the CSI physical readiness curriculum is to help students improve physical fitness levels and work toward meeting or exceeding The Citadel’s minimum standards for physical fitness.
Students take a required physical education (RPED) course during CSI that meets four days per week for 1 hour, providing the opportunity for students to become better prepared for The Citadel’s rigorous physical requirements. Students track physical fitness progress with a weekly Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
Check out our YouTube playlist created for physical preparation at The Citadel!
Mail: Within the first few days of CSI, students are taken to The Citadel Post Office and assigned a personal post office box number and key. Any student who loses their mailbox key will be charged for a replacement. We recommend communicating with your student to obtain their assigned post office box number.
Mailing Address: Please address all letters and packages in the correct format to prevent delays in mail delivery. MSC stands for “Mail Stop Code”. This is used in place of a PO Box, and must be used on all incoming mail and packages. In most cases, cadets will keep the same mailing address throughout their Citadel career. Please advise banks, magazine subscriptions, etc. to include the MSC number.
- First, Middle, Last Name
MSC # The Citadel
171 Moultrie Street
Charleston, SC 29409
Phone: Students may only use their phones during designated “free-time” in the barracks. CSI students may take their cell phones to class, but they must be on silent and kept in their bags.
Email: Each CSI student is assigned a Citadel e-mail address, which they will use while attending The Citadel. This account must be checked daily as email is the main source of communication. Email is a fantastic way for family and friends to keep in touch with students during CSI!
Purchasing Items Off Campus & Delivering Items to Students
Trips to off-campus stores are limited to weekends. Publix supermarket is within 1 mile of campus and other shopping facilities are located within 20 minutes from campus.
Family members or friends who need to drop off an item for their CSI student can contact the CSI staff at (843) 953-5155 or to make arrangements. Deliveries (such as Amazon) can also be mailed to the student’s Citadel address. The Citadel is not responsible for any missing items.
Uniform Standard of Appearance
Although CSI students do not wear cadet uniforms, there is a uniform standard of appearance we seek to achieve. The photographs herein illustrate said uniform standard of appearance which is conservative fit, length, style, and colors. These images are not brand endorsements or requirements; they are for visual representation. Students whose clothing does not meet the CSI uniform standard of appearance because it is revealing, too tight, or has loud colors, etc., will be required to acquire appropriate attire and change clothing to become compliant with standards. Please note that the CSI Packing List and the Matriculation Packing List are not identical. We recommend visiting Matriculation HQ to best prepare for the fall semester.
Packing List
CSI students are encouraged to practice common sense with regard to protecting their property and should lock their door when they are in class or away from their room. We strongly recommend that students not bring unnecessary valuables with them to CSI. The Citadel is not liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged property. Students who do bring any valuable items are strongly encouraged to secure them within the lockbox The Citadel provides, using the combination lock they are required to bring.
Access to laundry facilities is available during the week but due to time constraints, students may have more time on the weekends for laundry. Students must bring enough clothing to last them for at least one week. The washers are $2.25 per load and the dryers start at $1.25 per load for 36 minutes. The machines take cash, quarters, and Visa credit cards.
Students should plan to do laundry on campus at the laundry machines and need to bring laundry detergent and cash (or coins). If for some reason, students are unable to use the laundry on campus, there is a local laundromat available within walking distance of campus.
Students should be prepared to deal with a lot of sweaty clothing that results from the physical activity during CSI, and are advised to bring plenty of extra clothing items (especially socks, underwear, t-shirts).
Cadet Store
The Tommy B. Hunter Cadet Store sells uniform-related items, shoes, boots, clothing, accessories, and more. Please contact Martha Lewis, Director of the Cadet Store and Barbershop, at or (843) 953-4809 with any questions.
Mailing Belongings to The Citadel Prior to CSI
Students traveling by plane, train, or bus may ship some belongings to The Citadel before CSI begins to avoid excess baggage charges.
Please mail belongings to the following address: Central Supply, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie St., Charleston SC 29409. Label each item clearly with “CSI Student” as well as the student’s full name. Students will not be able to access their stored items immediately, so make sure that necessities for the first 24 hours at CSI (e.g., change of clothing, toiletries, linens, etc.) are sent with the student.
Central Supply Warehouse: The Citadel offers free storage for all students, including CSI participants. To learn more about the procedures, and other important information regarding storage, please visit The Citadel’s Luggage Storage webpage.
CSI students can store their items at the warehouse during the CSI program, between the end of CSI and matriculation, and during the school year. Specific opportunities and times will be provided for CSI students to transport their items to the warehouse. Once items are stored, it becomes the student’s responsibility to be aware of the days and times the warehouse is open if access is required to something that is securely stored in the warehouse.
Pick Up
Final Exams: Regardless of the final exam schedule, no student may leave campus before the end of CSI on July 31.
Departure Location: Students must check out with CSI staff and leave from the barracks.
Check-Out Process: Once a student has completed finals, passed room inspection, returned the room key (there is a monetary fine for not returning room keys), and signed out of the barracks, they are permitted to leave (no earlier than 8:00 AM on the final day of CSI).
Departure Deadline: All CSI students are expected to be checked out of the barracks by 1:00 PM on July 31. Please coordinate with your student to determine when they are ready to leave the barracks with all their belongings.