CSI Pictures 2024
CSI Day 1
The CSI program kicks off with our Opening Ceremony, which features guest speakers such as the Executive Director of Student Affairs and Academic Services, COL Robinson, The Commandant of Cadets, COL Gordon, and COL Clark, the Executive Director of the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics. The CSI Company Commander, Cadet Kanewske, welcomes the students with words of advice.

The Provost’s BBQ
Every year, the Provost holds a BBQ where The Citadel’s upper-level leadership and the CSI students and staff can mingle with one another in a cause setting, while enjoying the VIP 4th floor of the Johnson Hagood Stadium.

Wild Blue Ropes
A team-building weekend activity is the Wild Blue Ropes event. Held on The Parade Deck: Summerall Field, CSI squads participate in team bonding tasks that test their team unity, leadership skills, and critical thinking, all while having a great time.

CSI students are hard at work in their classes. Whether Precalculus, Transformational Leadership, Informative Speaking, Leadership 101, or any other courses, our students participate in multiple academic or cadet requirement classes while at CSI.

Medal of Honor
CSI students heard a powerful motivational speech from Medal of Honor Recipient, Staff Sergeant David G. Bellavia. One of our TAC officers, LTC Brace served as master of ceremony.

CSI students worked hard and had fun at recreation. In Deas Hall, CSI students were able to swim, lift weights, work on cardio, and play racquetball, basketball, billiards, table tennis, darts, spikeball, and cornhole.

RiverDogs Baseball Game
CSI students attend the Charleston RiverDogs baseball game. The RiverDogs are the local minor league baseball team.

Academic Departments and Military Branches Presentation
Every year, all five Academic Schools send their Deans or Academic representatives, and the four ROTC Military Branches come to give a presentation to the CSI students, followed by a Q&A session.

Closing Ceremony
The CSI students were given the opportunity to challenge themselves by participating in the Provost’s Challenge Coin activity. CSI students who went above and beyond in their academic endeavors by attending additional MATH tutoring or exceeding the required activities in Transformational Leadership were recognized by earning a Provost Challenge Coin.

Citadel Success Institute Leadership
Here are our CSI TAC officers: LTC Brace, LTC Adcock, Chief Pena, and CAPT Diehl. The CSI Company Commander, Cadet Kanewske, is a former CSI student and senior at The Citadel.