Dr. Len Annetta
Welcome to the Zucker Family School of Education’s website. We are a “full service” school of education, offering programs in teacher education (undergraduate and master’s), educational leadership (master’s and specialist), school and student affairs counseling (master’s), literacy education (master’s), and interdisciplinary STEM education (master’s). We offer graduate certificates in literacy education and student affairs counseling as well. Our daytime, on campus teacher education programs (B.S., and education minor) focus on Citadel Cadets and our active and retired military.

Our programs are nationally recognized and accredited. Our professional programs for preparing teachers, counselors, and education administrators are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), while our Counselor Education program is fully accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). All of our teacher education programs for which national Specialized Professional Association (SPA) recognition is available have been nationally recognized through submission of approved SPA folios. Finally, our literacy program is one of only four programs in South Carolina endorsed by the International Literacy Association. Our faculty are gifted instructors, highly engaged in community service, regular contributors to their disciplines via research and scholarship, and have developed strong relationships with employers and school/agency partners.
With ever-changing educational and workforce needs, the Zucker Family School of Education is nimble in our delivery of contemporary, high-quality instruction. Current and future teachers, counselors, and administrators need to change with the landscape and workforce. Thus, the Zucker Family School of Education is poised to lead efforts in preparing the future educational workforce to see challenges through an entrepreneurial lens to become more purposeful and intentional in our approach to practice The Citadel’s core values of Honor, Duty, and Respect in developing the next generation of principled leaders.
The Zucker Family School of Education is blessed to have outstanding alumni serving in leadership roles in education and related disciplines throughout Charleston, the Lowcountry, the state, and beyond. Our new teacher graduates are held in high esteem. Many individuals in key leadership positions (school superintendents, principals, teacher leaders, other supervisory positions) hold one or more Citadel degrees. A growing number of individuals in our network of practicing professionals hosting our teacher education, counselor education, literacy, and educational leadership interns and practicum students are alumni of The Citadel. Our alums are frequently recipients of professional awards and recognitions.
The Zucker Family School of Education is home to three Centers of Excellence that focus on discipline-specific innovation. The Citadel’s STEM Center of Excellence partners with The Citadel’s School of Engineering, as well as the School of and Science and Mathematics to deliver STEM-related outreach initiatives to our P-20 community and supports The Citadel’s efforts to produce more graduates who are poised to become successful leaders in the STEM fields. The Anita Zucker Institute for Entrepreneurial Educational Leadership is committed to developing educational programs that support workforce development by strengthening educational leadership, teaching and learning, and the ties between P12 education and current and future workforce needs. Finally, the Center for Literacy Excellence, made possible through a generous donation from Wes and Betsy Fuller, supports the professional development of pre-school through 12th grade (PK-12) educators to meet the diverse needs of students including those for whom English is a second language, and other students with exceptionalities.

Len Annetta, Ph.D.
Dean, Zucker Family School of Education
Zucker Chair of Entrepreneurial Educational Leadership
Please spend some time perusing our web pages to find valuable information about our academic programs, initiatives, faculty and students. If I can be of personal assistance to you, please feel free to email me at lannetta@citadel.edu.