The minor in Philosophy, consisting of four courses in Philosophy and a fifth course drawn from a designated group of related courses in various disciplines, is designed to give students (1) an introduction to the history of philosophy and major issues in philosophy (accomplished in PHIL 201), (2) a grounding in major approaches to critical thinking (PHIL 202), (3) advanced study in selected areas of philosophy (provided by at least two Philosophy courses), and (4) the collateral connection provided by at least one related course in another discipline.
Structure of the Minor
To earn a minor in Philosophy, a student must complete fifteen (15) credit hours of course work, distributed as follows:
1. Required Basic Courses. Both courses must be completed; total of six hours credit;
PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Reasoning and Critical Thinking (Logic)
2. Philosophy Electives. Any two of the following four courses must be completed; total of six hours credit:
PHIL 290 Ethics
PHIL 302 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 409 Seminar in Philosophical Topics
PHIL 410 Humanity in Crisis: The Problems of Good and Evil
3. Upper-division Electives. One of the following courses must be completed; total of three hours credit:
BLAW 301 Legal & Ethical Environment of Business
ENGL 371 Literary Paradigms of Leadership
ENGL 426 Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 427 Creative Writing: Poetry
HIST 321 The Middle Ages
HIST 322 Renaissance and Reformation
HIST 329 The Ancient Greeks
HIST 361 Early Islamic History
HIST 362 Modern Middle East
LING 300 Introduction to Linguistics
MLNG 410 European Literary Movements, 12th Century to 1789
MLNG 411 European Literary Movements, 1789-Present
PSCI 304 American Political Thought
PSCI 348 Theories of Peace and War
PSCI 371 Leadership in Politics
PSCI 392 Political Theory
PSYC 305 Social Psychology
PSYC 306 Theories of Personality
PSYC 403 Psychology of Learning
PSYC 405 History and Systems of Psychology
A special topics course or independent study (any department) approved by the Department Head of English, Fine Arts, and Communications as suitable for the Philosophy Minor.
Total Credit Hours Required: 15, at least 9 of which must be completed at The Citadel.
For further information, please contact the Department of English, Fine Arts, and Communications