South Carolina State Scholarship Programs
There are several state scholarship programs available in South Carolina. Below find information for the SC HOPE Scholarship, SC LIFE Scholarship, SC Palmettos Fellows Scholarship, Study Abroad & LIFE/Palmetto Fellows, and South Carolina State Summer Scholarship Program.
SC HOPE Scholarship
The SC General Assembly established the SC HOPE Scholarship in 2001. This state scholarship program is available to eligible first-time first-year college students with a 3.0 final high school GPA. These students do not qualify for the SC LIFE or SC Palmetto Fellows Scholarships. Recipients must be South Carolina residents. Recipients must have graduated from a South Carolina high school or from a high school outside of South Carolina while being a dependent of a parent or legal guardian who is a legal South Carolina resident.
Students can only receive the HOPE Scholarship for two semesters. At the end of freshman year the HOPE Scholarship is lost or translates into the LIFE Scholarship for the sophomore year of college. Funds are disbursed after the Citadel’s HOPE Scholarship Affidavit is completed by all students. The current annual value of the SC HOPE Scholarship is $2,800. Complete regulations are available through the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education.
SC LIFE Scholarship
The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship is a South Carolina state scholarship program. It is available to students for up to eight semesters at The Citadel. Recipients must be South Carolina residents and must have graduated from a South Carolina high school or graduated from a high school outside of South Carolina while a dependent of a parent or legal guardian who is a legal South Carolina resident.
High school seniors who graduate with two of the three criteria qualify for the LIFE Scholarship as a college freshman. The criteria includes a final high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0, 22 ACT or 1100 SAT, and/or rank in the top 30% of their high school graduating class. All recipients are required to complete The Citadel’s LIFE Scholarship Affidavit before the disbursement of funds. The current annual value of the SC LIFE Scholarship is $5,000.
Upper-class LIFE Scholarship
A student must earn an average of 30 credit hours per year. Students also must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 “LIFE GPA” based upon all grades earned at every post-secondary institution attended. This includes The Citadel, other post-secondary institutions, and while dually enrolled in high school. Eligible credit hours and grades that do not transfer based upon The Citadel’s policies must also be included.
Every year, students’ official transcripts from all eligible institutions for college courses taken to date must be on file at The Citadel Registrar’s Office. Transcripts calculate the annual LIFE GPA and total credit hours earned. The state of South Carolina and The Citadel evaluates the annual LIFE GPA at the end of each summer to determine eligibility for the upcoming school year. Upper-class students may earn the LIFE Scholarship even if they did not qualify for the award during freshman year.
Courses not utilized to calculate a student’s LIFE GPA include courses classified as remedial/developmental, non-degree credit courses for an associate degree or higher, or continuing education courses. “LIFE GPA” determines student’s eligibility for the LIFE Scholarship. It will have no impact upon a student’s standing at The Citadel. Each student’s LIFE GPA is available through a secure link on My Citadel Portal. Complete regulations are available through the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education.
LIFE Scholarship Enhancement
There are majors receiving the LIFE Scholarship that may be eligible for a scholarship enhancement beginning in their sophomore year. These majors include computer science, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, biology, mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Students must have completed at least 14 credit hours of math and/or science courses by the end of their freshman year (including the summer semester following their freshman year). A list of eligible courses is available on The Commission’s website. Other credits that count toward the enhancement include AP courses with a score of three or higher, dual enrollment courses, IB courses, exempted credit hours, CLEP, and Pass/Fail courses with a grade of Pass only.
Students eligible for the LIFE enhancement will receive up to $7,500 per year.
SC Palmetto Fellows Scholarships
The SC Commission on Higher Education administers this program. The SC Commission on Higher Education distributes information regarding the application process to all South Carolina high schools. High school officials identify eligible students who meet the qualifications by the established deadlines and report them to CHE. Funds are disbursed after all recipients complete The Citadel’s Palmetto Fellows Affidavit each year. The current value of the SC Palmetto Fellows Scholarship at The Citadel is $6,700 for freshmen and $7,500 for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Complete regulations are available through the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education.
Palmetto Fellows Enhancement
There are majors receiving the LIFE Scholarship that may be eligible for a scholarship enhancement beginning in their sophomore year. These majors include computer science, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, biology, mathematics, chemistry, and physics majors receiving the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. Students must have completed at least 14 credit hours of math and/or science courses by the end of their freshman year (including the summer after their freshman year). A list of eligible courses is available on The Commission’s website. Other credits that count include AP courses with a score of three or higher, dual enrollment courses, IB courses, exempted credit hours, CLEP, and Pass/Fail courses with a grade of Pass only.
Students eligible for the Palmetto Fellows Enhancement will receive up to $10,000 per year.
Study Abroad & LIFE/Palmetto Fellows
State regulations for these state-based scholarships still apply during study abroad/study away programs. Therefore, all grades earned for courses taken while studying abroad/away must be calculated into your LIFE Scholarship GPA. These courses count toward your Palmetto Fellows credit hours with a transcript issued by a university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
South Carolina State Summer Scholarship Program
Eligible LIFE and Palmetto Fellows scholarship recipients who are already on track for early graduation (by one semester) may use 1 of their 8 semesters of scholarship eligibility in the summer as long as they enroll full-time and complete at least 12 attempted summer credit hours. For more information about this program, please contact the financial aid office.
Note: The SC HOPE, LIFE, and Palmetto Fellows Scholarships in combination with all other (Federal, state, institutional, and private) scholarships and grants may not exceed a student’s cost of attendance as defined by Title IV Regulations. A student’s actual award may be reduced below the maximum value of the scholarship if there is an over-award.