The Citadel derives its authority to assess various fees and fines in accordance with the South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 59, Chapters 101, 107, 112 and 121 as well as proviso 117.71 of the FY 2023-24 Appropriations Act. Title 34, Chapter 11 of the South Carolina Code of Laws authorizes a fine for returned checks.
Expenditure Purposes
Categorized as follows
Tuition – Revenue used to support the instruction, research and public service mission of the College. Tuition is collected for the purpose of supporting the program needs of the academic units which in turn provide regular course instruction to the students. These funds comprise the majority of revenue to the College’s General Fund. A portion of tuition is dedicated to covering expenses related to bond debt service, renovation reserve, and technology improvements.
Excellence Fee – Fees collected for upperclassmen majors in Business, Engineering, and Nursing for higher cost programs.
Leadership Fee – Revenue used to cover various expenses of the leadership training program at The Citadel.
Study Away Fee – Revenue derived from fees that cover expenses related to study away programs, including, but not limited to, salaries, supplies, travel and insurance.
Applications, Yearbooks and Diplomas – Revenues used to cover direct and indirect expenses associated with administrative processing of records, and the cost of yearbooks and diplomas.
Athletics Operating and Facilities – Revenue used to cover the various costs associated with the intercollegiate athletics program, including but not limited to, salaries and fringe benefits, utilities, supplies and equipment, travel, repairs and maintenance, and debt service.
Barracks – Revenue used to cover the various costs associated with the barracks including, but not limited to, salaries and fringe benefits, utilities, furniture, maintenance and repairs, and debt service.
Dining Hall – Revenue used to compensate private entities for services rendered through contractual arrangements to provide dining services to students.
Infirmary – Revenue used to cover the various costs associated with the operation of a full-time infirmary operation, including salaries, utilities, insurance, supplies, and maintenance.
Laundry – Revenue used to cover the various costs associated with the operation of a full-service laundry and dry cleaning operation, including salaries, utilities, insurance, supplies, and maintenance.
Parking – Revenues used to cover the cost of parking services, including repairs, maintenance and security.
Transfer of Fees and Fines Revenue
No revenue derived from the College’s various fees and fines were transferred to the General Fund of the State, nor to any other entity.
FY 2023-24 Fees and Fines Revenue (through 30 June 2024)
- Required Tuition – $60,628,132
- Excellence Fees – $2,760,538
- Leadership Lab– $2,355,891
- Lab Fees – $775,633
- Study Away – $1,600,278
- Applications, yearbooks, diplomas, and transcripts – $302,457
- Athletics Facilities– $790,423
- Athletics Operating – $6,198,592
- Late Fees and fines – $56,400
- Barracks – $8,922,237
- Dining Hall – $10,964,794
- Infirmary – $1,302,141
- Laundry – $1,397,172
- Parking – $826,317
- Registration Fees – $207,884
- Technology Fees – $1,175,557
- Other Fees & Fines – $154,410
(updated 26 August 2024 in accordance with proviso 117.71 of the FY 2023-24 Appropriations Act )