- Charles (Trey) J. Williams III, 2010, Biology Major and Chemistry Minor.

The Editors
- Thomas J. Sullivan III, 2010, Biology Major.
- Mark G. Shaw, 2012, Civil and Environmental Engineering Major.
- Taylor D. Gilliam, 2011, Business Administration Major.

“The Editors of The 2010 Gold Star Journal would like to dedicate this year’s journal to Jonathan Taylor, in honor of the ultimate sacrifice he gave to protect the country he loved. We dedicate this journal not only to his memory, but also the memory of all those who have given their lives for our freedom during the course of this war on terror. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.”-The 2010 Gold Star Journal
To view the entire 2010 edition, click this link or the cover above.
Featured Papers
“A War of Morale,” Brice L. Mann, Class of 2010, History Major.
The Russo-Japanese War was a David and Goliath story in which the smaller country was able to prevail over the heavily favored bigger one. The Japanese did not win because of a new weapon or an amazing wartime leader, but because of their undying devotion to country and unwavering morale. Those Japanese soldiers lived for their country, and gave their all to grasp honor for themselves and their families. This is something the Russians did not understand, and as a result, they were therefore unable to win a war that they expected to win.
“Benefits of Globalization,” Abraham J. Raymond, Class of 2011, Political Science Major.
The growth of The United States globalized economy is a topic which has many differing opinions, especially during our current economic recession. Some people may be quick to pin the United States recent increase in global trade as a contributing factor to our recession. Throughout this paper, I outline the various benefits that globalization brings to this nation and explain why these benefits are essential to ending the recession. I hope that through this paper I will help people to understand how important globalization is to the stability of the United States and who is truly to blame for the current recession.
“My War Hero,” Joseph A. Trippi, Class of 2011, History Major.
My Papa, Sam Trippi, lived a very interesting life. In this essay, I discuss some of the hardships and accomplishments that my grandfather had. My paper contains many interesting stories from his lifetime; some which show his good will, as in when he helped save some missionaries from the Viet Cong, and others that show his harder side when I discuss the more difficult times of his upbringing. Through this biography, I hope to entertain and impart a few life lessons from someone who has been married for over fifty years and who also has served in the military for over thirty years.
“The Precious and The Pearl,” Noah J. Koubenec, Class of 2011, Double Major in Political Science and Spanish.
It is perhaps the most ironic attribute of J.R.R. Tolkien’s created universe that the power of the One Ring, though a critically important idea in the Legendarium, is chronically undefined. Throughout its history, the Ring is a catalyst for conquest, emboldening the wearer and kindling thoughts of greatness. But Tolkien’s notion of the Ring’s greatest power was markedly different, and it shares some significant similarities with the theme of Pearl. Pearl is a Middle English poem that tells the story of a man, the Jeweler, who is bereaved by the loss of his daughter, referred to in the poem as his “Pearl.” Consideration of Pearl in parallel with the writings of Middle-earth reveals an influence that suggests the Middle English poem on which he labored for so long permeated Tolkien’s creative process and was instrumental in the creative forging of the Ring.
“The Story of Edgar Johnson,” George H. Martin III, Class of 2011, History Major.
Inquisitiveness is the origin of discovery. Like a problem left unsolved, a story left untold can be a tragic. Too many have failed to learn the entertaining adventures of their ancestors because they chose not to investigate a relative’s past. In an attempt to preserve a glimpse of my heritage, I investigated the story of a true military hero, my uncle. A man who rode with honor, rode with courage, and rode with Patton. Laughs, tears, and pride transferred from his lips to my memory. My hope is that you will enjoy this story of my uncle’s participation in the Second World War and then take a moment to dig through the sands of time, uncover your special treasure, and experience the same happiness I did before it is too late.
“Thoreau’s Simplicity,” Marttin E. Periola, Class of 2011, English Major.
It is easy for people to be intoxicated by the audio and visual stimuli that bombard their senses everyday and to accept the reality that society has fabricated for them—a reality that advocates materialism and superficiality. The acceptance ushers people to lead lives that are without worth and significance. In my paper, I explore a way to sober the mind drunk from materialism and superficiality by analyzing Henry David Thoreau’s experiences at Walden Pond documented in his work, Walden; or Life in the Woods in order to determine what constitutes living a meaningful life. It gives people the opportunity to experience beautiful and inspiring things that are otherwise overlooked in their busy lives.