Compensation Questions
Where can I find my paystub?
Your pay stub may be found by going to the My Citadel Portal, signing in with your computer username and password. Locate the Employee Resources card, and select “Employee Self-Service”. Your online pay stub will show you how much you have earned, a detail of your deductions, your financial institution’s name, and the amount deposited into your financial institution.
I didn’t receive my W2, where can I find it?
W2’s are sent out around February of each year. If you do not receive it, please reach out to the Payroll office:
I need to change my Federal tax withholdings (Form W-4), how can I do that?
In the My Citadel Portal, under the the Employee Resources card, and select “Employee Self-Service”. Scroll down until you see the “Taxes” drop-down menu. Once you’ve opened the drop-down menu, you should see a link titled “W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.” Click on that, then scroll down until you see “Update” at the bottom of that page. There you can change your withholdings directly in Banner. Once all changes are complete, select “Certify Changes.”
I need to change my State tax withholdings (Form W-4), how can I do that?
State tax withholdings can be changed by filling out a separate DocuSign form. For more information about updating state tax withholdings, email
Why don’t the earnings on my W2 match my annual rate?
The W-2 form reports “taxable gross”, not actual earnings. Taxable Gross is Actual Gross less pre-tax deductions.
What is The Citadel’s Compensation Philosophy?
In order to attract, retain, and reward a high performing and diverse workforce, The Citadel is committed to a compensation philosophy that maintains internal equity and external competiveness. Relative position versus the external market will be driven by factors such as employee performance, longevity, institution goals, and financial feasibility. The Citadel will evaluate and modify its compensation practices within the context of its strategy regularly to ensure continued relevance. Any changes to this philosophy will be openly communicated to all employees.
I live in another state (or am a resident of another state) but work in South Carolina. Which state taxes do I withhold?
Wages are taxed in the state in which they are earned. If the employee is working in South Carolina, regardless of where he/she is a resident, the income earned in South Carolina is taxed by South Carolina (article 5 of the South Carolina Code of Laws Section 12-8).
When do I get paid?
The Citadel pay periods are semimonthly. Paydays are twice a month, on the 15th and the last working day of the month for all employees. If payday falls on a weekend or holiday, the pay is deposited on the last working day before the weekend or holiday. Temporary employees are paid one pay period behind.
What do I do if I need to update my direct deposit?
If you need to update your direct deposit, you can update that on My Citadel Portal, via the Employee Resources card. Under “Pay Information” you should see “Direct Deposit Information”. For any further questions, email
How do FLSA and Overtime impact jobs at The Citadel?
The Citadel complies with the DOL’s Fair labor Standards act for administering overtime and determining exemption status for all positions.
If I have money in my department’s budget, why can’t I create a job at the pay band I designate and hire a potential employee at the corresponding salary?
It is the responsibility of HR to determine the market value of a given job. That determination includes ensuring that future employees are brought in at the appropriate salary level(s), in accordance with The Citadel’s salary structure. Further, HR will ensure equitability across the institution.
How come my hourly employees can’t receive additional pay or a stipend for performing extra duties?
Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime, otherwise known as additional pay for any hours worked beyond the 40 hours designated, during a work week. Therefore, the extra duties would already be factored into that overtime pay.
Employment Questions
Where can I find the Notice of Separation (NOS) form to indicate to HR an employee is leaving?
For FTEs, use the NOS – FTEs DocuSign Form
For non-FTEs (temporary employees, GAs, etc.), use the NOS – Non-FTEs DocuSign Form
I forgot to attach something to my application. How can I update it?
If you have any supplemental materials that were not included in your application, please send those documents as an attachment in an email to with your full name and position you applied for. Our senior recruiter will then update your application.
Can I edit my application after I submit it?
Unfortunately, you will not be able to edit an application once it is submitted. You have two options; you can either withdraw your application and submit a new one or if it is attachments that you forgot to include you can reach out to the HR Office at (843)953-6922 and someone can assist you with getting your documents uploaded. If you are wanting to change something on the actual application you submitted you will need to withdraw and submit a new one as HR is not able to make edits to your actual application.
How do I get notified about future opportunities at The Citadel?
In order to be notified about future opportunities you can visit our careers page and you will want to set yourself up for job alerts in which you will be required to enter in your email address and select the work type and categories. Once you set that up, when HR posts a job with the criteria you selected you will receive an email notification of the opportunity. You will be able to review the job and apply directly from the email.
If I am resigning from my position, who do I need to notify and what are next steps?
- You should provide a written letter of resignation to your supervisor and send a copy to the Office of Human Resources. It is professional courtesy to give at least two (2) weeks’ notice of your last day of work. If you are moving, please provide a forwarding address so that we can forward your W-2 in January.
- We will also ask you to complete an Exit Interview Survey.
- Make an appointment with the Office of Human Resources to have a Benefits Exit Interview.
- On your last day of employment, you should return your keys, parking pass/card and any other Citadel property.
Where is the Parking and OneCard Office?
These services can be addressed at the office located at 208 Richardson Avenue.
Where should I report on my first day?
First, you should report to your supervisor on your start date. Afterward, stop into the HR office (97 Hagood Ave.) to have HR copy your forms of ID.
Can I change my employee’s position from being on the clock (Kronos)?
No, you cannot. The job your employee accepted is classified as “exempt” or “non-exempt” in accordance with FLSA standards regarding job duties.
If my employee’s job duties no longer align with their job description in the system, what should I do?
Review the current position description (PD) in PageUp to determine which job duties and responsibilities have changed, their relative importance to other functions, the qualifications necessary for adequate performance of the job, and the conditions under which the work is performed.
Where can I update my address?
This can be edited within your employee self-service profile , found on the My Citadel Portal “Employee Resources” card. You can also update both your name and/or your address using this name/address change form.
If I am required to wear a uniform, what do I need to do?
Some positions on our campus will require individuals to wear a uniform. You can find out more information by attending New Faculty Orientation. The Citadel’s on-site Tailor Shop can assist with: uniform ordering, uniform measurements, and custom tailoring. Contact information can be found on the website.
If I need to set up or update my “Bulldog Alert Contacts”, how do I go about doing this?
Navigate to the Bulldog Alert sign-in page. From there, you’ll see an option to add a new address, email and phone number to your account.
What are the holidays The Citadel observes? When does The Citadel observe those holidays?
Each year is different, but we publish our scheduled observed holidays a couple years in advance. You can find that information on our Current Employees page, under “The Citadel’s Holiday Schedule.”
I need help with employment verification. What should I do?
If you just need assistance with proving you worked at The Citadel, complete the general form. If you are looking for a form to verify your employment and income (e.g., for mortgage purposes, etc.), use the employment verification with income form. If you would like assistance with granting security clearance and need to fax HR a form, please use this number: 843-953-5228.
What is the tattoo policy for employees?
According to The Citadel’s Wear and Appearance of Military Uniforms, Civilian Clothing and Department Uniforms Policy, on page 34 it states, “Citadel employees are expected to maintain a standard of professional appearance and should avoid the exposure of tattoos when possible.”
I tried to access the recruitment waiver and it will no longer work. How do I get access to the waiver?
We no longer use the “Recruitment Waiver” DocuSign. Simply use the “recruitment waiver” through the EPAF system.
Benefits and Leave Questions
As a new employee, where should I go to review my benefit options?
Welcome! As a new employee, you should check out the New Employees page on S.C. PEBA’s website. You’ll find a lot of quality information about your options.
Am I paid for my sick and annual (vacation) leave if I resign my job?
Employees are paid for up to 45 days of unused annual leave upon leaving employment, but are not paid for sick leave. Annual leave payoffs are usually received on the payday following the last regular paycheck. Grant-funded employees with benefits may not be entitled to payment of unused annual leave.
Which leave reporting form do I use?
If you are a non-exempt employee (you clock-in and clock-out) then you will use the same system that you typically use to record your hours.
If you are an exempt employee (you do not clock-in and clock-out), your leave submission portal is found on the Employee Self-Service tab within the Employee Resources card in My Citadel Portal.
For more information, contact the Payroll office.
How do I find my benefits identification number (BIN#)?
If you are enrolled in one of the insurance plans sponsored by the Public Employee Benefits Authority (PEBA), your BIN# is the numeric portion found on your insurance card.
I am currently enrolled in one of the State Health Plans. How do I locate a participating provider in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina (BCBS/SC) provider network?
Finding a provider is easy by clicking Find Care for listing of all network providers, facilities and pharmacies.
I currently use an out-of-network provider. What are the steps for filing a claim reimbursement of these services?
Network providers agree to accept the State Health Plan’s negotiated rate, or allowed amount, as their total fee. It is better to stay in network if possible. An out-of-network provider may bill you the difference in its cost and the allowed amount.1 This is known as a balance bill. A balance bill does not count toward your annual deductible or coinsurance maximum, and will increase your out-of-pocket expenses. Out-of-network payments go directly to the participant and not the provider. When using an out-of-network provider, you’ll be required to pay for all associated costs and file claim directly to insurance carrier.
Complete a claim reimbursement form for health plan expenses:, mail claim form to BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina (BCBS/SC), PO Box 100605, Columbia, SC 29260-0605 or contact BCBS/SC at 1-800-868-2520 for their designated fax number. The fax number for medical claims is 803-870-8073.
Complete a claim reimbursement for dental plan expenses:, mail claim form to BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina (BCBS/SC), State Dental Unit, PO Box 100300, Columbia, SC 29202 or contact BCBS/SC Dental at 1-888-214-6230 for designated fax number. The fa number for dental claims is 803-264-7739.
May I borrow money from my PEBA-administered retirement account?
No. The state laws that govern the retirement plans PEBA administers do not include provisions to allow a member to borrow funds from his retirement account.
What are the retirement plan options and which one is best for me to select?
PEBA is our retirement provider. South Carolina Retirement Systems is a defined benefit plan. It provides a fixed monthly benefit based on a formula that includes your average final compensation, years of service credit and a benefit multiplier, not on your account balance at retirement. This plan assumes life expectancy and investment risk. South Carolina Optional Retirement Program (SC-ORP) is a defined contribution plan. In this retirement plan you are solely responsible for your retirement account, and choose how to invest and manage your money. Selecting the right retirement plan depends on individual retirement goals, and length of time you plan to work at The Citadel. Most employees who plan to retire from The Citadel choose the Defined Benefit Plan while others who may be unsure of their long-term retirement goals choose the State Optional Retirement Program.
I am currently a State ORP participant. Can I switch and become a member of South Carolina Retirement Systems (SCRS)?
There is an annual open enrollment period (January 1 to March 1) for State Optional Retirement Program (State ORP) participants during which you may irrevocably elect membership in the South Carolina Retirement System (SCRS) if it has been at least one year, but not more than five years, after your initial enrollment in the State ORP. If you do not elect SCRS membership during this time, you will automatically continue your State ORP participation and forfeit your opportunity to elect SCRS membership.
What age can I retire, and if I plan to retire, what are the steps for doing so?
There is no set minimum age for retirement. Most employees retire at age 62 when eligible for social security benefits or age 65 when eligible for Medicare. If you’re interested in determining your retirement eligibility and options, please contact HR Benefits Office for a retirement planning meeting for necessary forms and process.
What do I do if I cannot get into my Citadel account and do not know my password?
Please reach out to The Citadel’s Information Technology Services (ITS) by calling them at (843) 953-4357.
How do I make benefit enrollment changes?
It’s simple, quick and easy. Please click on MyBenefits.
What is the EAP?
EAP stands for Employee Assistance Program. The Citadel’s EAP is administered by MYgroup; a third party contractor. You can learn more here.
What are some of the programs offered by the EAP?
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers a wide array of services from assisting employees with finding childcare to some free legal services. For more information on these offerings, please watch the welcome video on the EAP website for more information. The Citadel’s EAP Username is “citeap” and password is “guest”
Who can use the EAP?
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all employees, their dependents and anyone living in their household. Upon separation from the University, the benefit continues for six months. The Citadel’s EAP Username is “citeap” and password is “guest”
I just got married/divorced. How do I change my name?
We require proof of all name changes by submitting a copy of your new social security card and completing a name change request form for insurance and retirement plan purposes.
I have a surgery planned and will be out of work, what do I need to submit?
If your absence is less than 3 consecutive days, you may be able to report sick leave and submit a doctor’s note for return to work. Any absences beyond 3 consecutive days, you may be required to provide medical documentation for any medical leave of absences to be approved. You may also be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Use the Department of Labor’s website to fill out the Employee’s serious health condition form if you are having surgery done, then attach it in an email to our Benefits Manager. If you are caring for an immediate family member having surgery, use the Family member’s serious health condition form instead.
I have a need for an accommodation. What is the process?
There may be assistance provided if you are a state health plan member for certain equipment through the Workplace Possibilities Program, contact HR Benefits Office for eligibility and process. Otherwise, if you have a known or unknown disability, you may be eligible for a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) through our HR Benefits Office.
I’d like to contribute more than the required 9% towards a retirement plan, is this an option? If so, how would I go about doing that?
Many employees choose to contribute to the voluntary retirement supplements which include a 401k, 457, Roth 401lk and Roth 457, as well as 403b options. These voluntary supplements are set by IRS guidelines and there are no employer matching contributions, yet a great way to invest more for your retirement income and reaching your individual retirement goals. Ask the HR Benefits Office or Payroll how to enroll in one or all of these voluntary retirement supplement plans when you’re ready!
Do insurance premiums draft monthly from my paycheck?
There is a pre-taxed benefit for insurance premiums when drafted before taxes. The first pay period, following a completed enrollment as a new hire, does require a month’s deduction in advance. Future pay periods draft insurance premiums semi-monthly.
When does my insurance take effect?
The effective date of insurance varies depending on the employee’s hire date, or employment status date, or when a qualifying life event occurs throughout the year. Contact HR Benefits for confirmation of effective dates of insurance plans.
How do I order replacement insurance cards?
Insurance cards can be ordered by dialing the insurance carriers directly. Most of these plans have a telephonic option or website option for ordering online.
How do I find a provider, facility or pharmacy in our state plan network?
PEBA has an online provider directory for each insurance carrier contracted as a state provider.
If I needed to prepare a will, what are my options?
There are two complimentary options for having a will prepared. The first option is through our Employee Assistance Program. The second option is through our State Health Plan, for those enrolled in the Optional Life coverage administered by Met Life Insurance. Contact HR Benefits regarding program eligibility requirements.
What happens if I’m injured on the job?
We have a Work Incident Form for any work incidents or injuries on campus. The form can be found here. Please contact HR Benefits Office, Risk Management and Safety Director or Public Safety for any work related incidents or injuries.
What do I need to submit if I have a workers compensation request?
Your questions about works compensation can be found using the Worker’s Compensation document.
How do I submit or approve leave (e.g., vacation or sick time) for time I have taken off?
Through My Citadel Portal, locate the Employee Resources card and select Employee Self-Service.
How do I make changes to my supplemental retirement plans (e.g., 401k, 403b, etc.)?
If there is a death in my family requiring travel for funeral services, what annual leave can I use?
An employee, upon request, shall be granted up to three consecutive workdays of leave with pay on the death of any member of the employee’s immediate family. Immediate family is defined as the spouse, great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, legal guardians, brothers, spouse of brothers, sisters, spouse of sisters, children, spouse of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of either the employee or the spouse.
An employee requesting leave for a death in the immediate family shall submit a statement to the appropriate authority stating the name of the deceased and the relationship to the deceased.
I think I am supposed to be earning additional annual leave, given my FTE hire date at a South Carolina state government agency. How much annual leave should I be accruing?
According to the State of South Carolina’s Annual Leave website, employees with 10 years of service (or less) accrue annual leave at the rate of 15 days per year. At The Citadel, we observe the five days, 37.5 hours per workweek schedule. This means that employees accrue 9.375 hours of annual leave after each month of service. If you just started with The Citadel and have no prior S.C. State Government experience, you accrue your first 9.375 hours of annual leave after your first month on the job, and your leave hours bank grows from there.
At the start of year 11, your monthly leave accrual increases to 16.25 days per year, or 10.156 hours per month. Again, this means you will earn 10.156 hours after your first full month into year 11. You can use Annual Leave Accrual Rates chart, found on the State of South Carolina’s Annual Leave website to see how many days and hours you’ll earn based on years of service.
How do I request time off in Kronos?
Navigation: My Info > My Time > Time Off > Request.
1. Select the Time Off Type drop-down and select desired Time Off Type (vacation, sick, etc).
2. Select Start Request. Alternatively, you may select a date or range from the calendar and select Start Request there to auto-populate the requested date.
3. Select the Request Type drop-down and select your request type.
4. Select date or range of request.
5. Enter duration, time frame, or total hours (displayed fields are dependent on the Request Type).
6. Type a Comment (optional).
7. Select Submit Request.
I’ve been informed I will need to report for military duties. How do I process this for military leave?
First, ensure you have an official copy of your military orders. Submit a copy of the orders to the HR inbox. Ensure you have communicated the details to the Payroll inbox.
What happens if I get summoned for jury duty?
An employee, who is summoned as a member of a jury panel, will be given court leave with pay. Any jury fees and travel payment shall be retained by the employee. An employee, who is excused from jury duty and was not required to be at court the number of hours equal to the employee’s workday, is required to return to the job according to arrangements between the employee and the agency designee. The employee must be on authorized leave for any time the employee is excused from jury duty and does not return to work. An employee who is summoned to jury duty will be required to work on any given day only the number of hours that equal the employee’s work schedule, minus the hours required to be at court. An employee, who is subpoenaed as a witness and who will not receive any personal gain from the outcome of the litigation, shall be entitled to court leave with pay for those hours required for the subpoena and may retain any witness fee and travel expenses. An employee, who is a victim of or witness to a crime and must attend court in relation to the case or in order to obtain an Order of Protection or restraining order, shall receive court leave with pay.
Exceptions: An employee engaged in personal litigation is not eligible for court leave with pay, but may be granted annual leave or leave without pay with appropriate authorization. When an employee is subpoenaed to represent an agency or attends in an official capacity, a mediation / arbitration conference, it is considered a part of the employee’s job assignment. The employee shall be reimbursed for any meals, lodging, and travel expenses that may be incurred according to South Carolina rules and regulations.
Tuition Waiver Program
Step 1 – I’ve reached the amount of time required to take part in The Citadel’s tuition waiver program, what do I do now?
Full-time, non-temporary employees qualify for The Citadel’s tuition waiver program.
To verify you have reached the required time before you are able to take part, go to My Citadel Portal, then navigate to “Employee Resources,” then “Employee Self-Service”, then “Employee Summary”. Your hired date will be posted there.
To review The Citadel’s tuition waiver program policy, and confirm your Citadel tenure and role qualify you, please navigate to the “Tuition Waiver” policy, under Finance & Business, found on The Citadel’s policy page.
Step 2 – I am eligible for the tuition waiver program. How do I apply for the program I’ve selected?
You can follow the steps to apply for your program here.
You’ll know you’ve been accepted when you get an email containing an offer of admission from The Citadel Graduate College. Complete that paperwork when you can.
Step 3 – Now that I have been accepted into my program, what do I do next?
Meet with your advisor to develop a program of study. Your advisor’s email should be included within your offer of acceptance.
That will prompt you to register for classes. You can select classes and their respective times here.
Step 4 – I am registered for my classes. What’s next?
You’ll want to complete one of the forms below, ideally before your eight-week or sixteen-week drop/add deadline. Please select the form that best describes you working and learning circumstance.
Tuition Waiver/Tuition Assistance Forms:
Option 1: For class(es) NOT within my normal working hours
Option 2: For class(es) WITHIN my normal working hours
Option 3: Reserved for employees under the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Step 5 – Is there anything left to do after I have filled out my tuition waiver form?
Yes, you’ll want to monitor your student bill as corrections are being made. If you are having trouble accessing this page, login to My Citadel Portal and navigate to the “Student Business Services” card. Select “Make a payment and review billing information”.
Please note that the tuition waiver will not be activated until the Drop/Add deadline for the semester. In other words, only reach out to HR or the Student Business Services’ office after the drop/add deadline for the semester, assuming your tuition waiver has not been activated.
While tuition and registration fees will be covered, you will still have to pay technology & online infrastructure fees.
Additional Considerations
If you are taking part in the tuition waiver program, please note that, at this time, $5,250 worth of tuition is covered each tax year. Any additional amount above that will be considered taxable income. Therefore, if you exceed the $5,250 benefit in classes, you will be expected to pay taxes on that benefit.
Employee Relations Questions
How do I schedule time to discuss an Employee Relations situation?
Please reach out to Melantha Ardrey in HR to discuss any ER-related concerns.
What is the process for filing a complaint against a co-worker?
Issues or problems that arise in the workplace should be initially addressed with your immediate supervisor or department head to afford them the opportunity to facilitate resolve. These matters should follow the chain of command to show deference, as we model principled leadership and The Citadel’s core values of Honor, Duty and Respect.
Ideally, the reporting employee should provide a written synopsis of the complaint to their supervisor. The supervisor should then detail (in writing) how the matter was addressed, so that record is kept and the Progressive Disciplinary Guidelines can be followed, if needed, for future offences. More details can be found on The Citadel’s policies website. Simply look for the “Progressive Discipline Policy.”
What if the problem is not resolved after I speak with my supervisor or department head?
Employees and supervisors alike can visit the Human Resources Office to receive advice, counseling, and suggestions on how to deal with any workplace issue, personal concern, or problems with co-workers. More details can be found on The Citadel’s policies website. Simply look for the “Progressive Discipline Policy.”
What if the problem is with my immediate supervisor?
If, for some reason you are uncomfortable reporting the incident directly to your supervisor, you are more than welcome to visit the Human Resources Office to discuss your concerns with us. We still ask that you submit your complaint in writing (so that we have a record) and we can ascertain next best steps to resolve the matter from there.
Complaints not initially vetted through your supervisor or perspective vice president could be subject to supervisory evaluation and afforded procedural process prior to any disciplinary action. Whenever possible, coaching and counseling will precede any disciplinary action.
Will my visit to HR be confidential?
The Human Resources Office is not a confidential resource; however, we will do our best to keep your information private (disclosing to those on a need-to-know basis only). Please keep in mind, that if your desire is for us to assist in the resolution of a complaint, our scope is limited if we are unable to speak freely to those in which you have conflict.
If the information that you provide reveals safety concerns for our campus community, the safety and well-being of our faculty, staff and students is our paramount priority.
Should you prefer to speak with a confidential resource, you may reach out to a Citadel’s Ombudsperson.
I supervise staff employees. What are the steps in the disciplinary process?
The typical steps in the disciplinary process include oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension and termination. You may review the Progressive Disciplinary Policy Guidelines.
I am a supervisor. What type of documentation should I keep and what documentation is needed to discipline an employee?
Documentation is a vital part of the discipline process. However, supervisors are encouraged to keep notes on positives and negatives for each employee. If you conduct a coaching session with your employee, please document the date of the conversation and a summary of the discussion. It is advisable to supplement conversations with an email summary showing communication between you and the employee about any meeting of significance. You should also keep a record of any complaints or other documentation on an employee’s behavior so that it can be shared with Employee Relations when appropriate. All official disciplinary documents are stored in the employee’s official electronic personnel file.
What is a PIP?
A Performance Improvement Plan is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. Specific goals are outlined for the employee and frequent meetings are scheduled for the employee and supervisor to discuss progress.
Please contact Employee Relations to draft/issue a Performance Improvement Plan.
When should I consider issuing a PIP to an employee?
A PIP is typically developed after an overall “Unsuccessful” review or when an employee is struggling with one or more job functions or competencies.
If the employee’s performance is rated “successful” or above, on all essential job functions, which significantly impact performance, noted in the PIP, employment shall continue. If the employee is rated “unsuccessful,” on any essential job function or objective that significantly impacts performance as noted at the conclusion of the PIP, the employee shall be removed from the position immediately.
Is the information shared in an exit interview confidential?
The information shared during an in-person exit interview or information from the online survey is reviewed by the Human Resources Office. The information does not become part of your personnel file.
The Human Resources Office will review and compile the information received with every effort to ensure privacy and not to reveal identities. However, there are some circumstances that do require immediate reporting, which can affect confidentiality. Examples of these types of circumstances include: illegal activity, sexual harassment, threats of violence, etc.
How is the information from exit interviews used?
The data collected in the exit interview is used to determine trends and to gain insight into the work environment so that The Citadel can better understand what is going well and opportunities for improvement.
The Human Resources Office will share composite data and information with deans, vice presidents and division leaders on a periodic basis. Information will also be shared periodically with various offices throughout the College to make improvements.
Talent Management Questions
How do I complete the “Supervisor Creates Plan” stage in PageUp?
Email the HR Analyst or the HR Inbox and someone will get back to you with instructions.
How do I complete the “Employee Approves Plan” stage in PageUp?
Email the HR Analyst or the HR Inbox and someone will get back to you with instructions.
Something came up and now I cannot make it to my HR training. What should I do?
Most of our trainings have a dedicated number of seats, per training. We ask that you cancel your reserved seat as soon as you know you will be unable to attend. You can do this by:
Removing a learning activity from your development plan:
On My.Citadel you should see a block that reads “HR Resources” then click “Performance Management”
From your employee portal, navigate to About me (which is at the top) and click on “Development plan.”
Using the status tabs: In progress/upcoming, Completed and Pending approval, find the relevant learning activity
Click the relevant learning activity to display details.
Click Remove, and a confirmation prompt will display. Note: You should discuss with your manager before removing any learning activities from your development.
Click Confirm
Does a User’s Guide for PageUp exist?
Yes, HR has a user’s guide. Just email the HR inbox for a copy.
What evaluation form do I use to evaluate my employee?
Classified Staff are rated through PageUp. Access to PageUp is located in the “HR Resources” card in My.Citadel then the “Performance Management” link.
Unclassified Staff can be rated using the Docusign Unclassified Staff Form.
Who do I contact if I have a question about my performance review?
Most questions can be answered by your supervisor. All other questions should be directed to Zach Stinebaugh in HR.
How do I get my supervisor updated in Banner if it is incorrect?
After first verifying the update within your department, please email Zach Stinebaugh in HR. This way, the update can be coordinated across multiple platforms.
How do I know if I’m up-to-date on all required training?
Periodic reports are sent to area supervisors, who will then remind an employee what is due.
Do I need to send any sort of documentation to Human Resources once I’ve completed my online training?
All online mandatory training is tracked through Banner. No need to send any certificate or documentation unless prompted by HR. Your training facilitator will submit a participation roster for in-class training.
Where can I complete required trainings?
Training modules for Citadel employees can be accessed using Vector Solutions Learning Management System (LMS).
Volunteers will be assigned required trainings via SafeColleges. However, in the chance you are not established in the system, please email the HR Team.
How are professional development opportunities advertised on campus?
All professional development opportunities are advertised via Dognews or the Faculty and Staff ListServ.
How can I access a former employee’s or current employee’s old performance review?
- Go to your PageUp Home Page
- Click on the green bar that reads “Team Performance Reviews”
- Find the “Status” filter on the right
- Use the drop-down menu to select “Complete”
- Click “Search”
- Scroll until you find the employee of interest
- On the right side of that line item, select view report.
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