Intramural Game Rules
Air Pistol is a Tier 4 event. The Company Regimental Champion is the team that posts the highest score, and the Individual Regimental Champion is the shooter who posts the highest score. Air Pistol is a one-day-only competition; no provision will be made for class conflict, Corps Squad practice, etc.
The roster size is limited to two shooters per company. Advanced sign-up is required.
Start time is forfeit time: there is no grace period for players to arrive late.
All shooters will participate in a safety instruction class and practice session before the match. Shooters must be in PT uniform. Shooting coats, pants, or boots are not permitted. All equipment will be provided.
Shooters will be permitted a practice round of five shots from the bench and five one-handed standing.
Each shooter will fire two 10-shot targets for record for the competition round. Shooting time is limited to 10 minutes.
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation governs all other rules.