OSINT Conference 2024 Guest Speakers

Clem Danish
Blank Slate Solution, LLC
Background: Mr. Danish has 20 + years’ experience in various forms of risk management, mitigation, and all levels of planning. He gained expertise from his time in the U.S. Army as an Infantry Officer, a government civilian within the Offices of the Secretary of Defense for both Intelligence and Policy, and eventually industry. After identifying a DoD-wide issue, Mr.
Danish developed and led the Defense Operations Security Initiative (DOSI) across 52 DoD organizations while also being the deputy for the DoD Military Deception Program Office. It was there that he as part of a great team worked to revitalize Operations Security and Military Deception as integrated information enablers to increase opportunities for mission success. The DOSI and DMDPO enabled multi-agency research and development efforts as well as international cooperation activities focused on advantage across all domains and entity perspectives.
After departing OUSD(I&S) he moved to the Secretary of the Air Force – Concepts, Development, & Management office where he worked for Mr. Scott Baum to design, develop, and operate what is now known as the Office of Commercial Economic Analysis. The OCEA office focused on using information to identify where and how adversaries/competitors deliberately aggress the Defense Industrial Base through academia, commerce, currency manipulation, and other vantage points to impact U.S. national security. He then became a civilian with the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy – SO/CT- Information Operations Division – Sensitive Activities.
Mr. Danish was instrumental in designing and developing the initial DoD policies for Military Deception and DoD Acquisition, Storage, and Use of Publicly Available Information.
Upon his departure from government service he was hired by industry to lead efforts in Enterprise Risk Analysis and Mitigation that focused on critical infrastructure at local up through national levels. Upon leaving large industry he started a small consulting venture, Blank Slate Solution, LLC. The focus is information analysis and solution design that ranges from local / municipal shortfalls up to international security needs. One of his first efforts as Blank Slate was the design and development of the AT&T First Net Standard of Coverage plan that was accepted by congress and implemented as the national communications solution required by the 9/11 Commissions Report.
He was instrumental in several of the Jack Voltaic critical infrastructure scenario and exercise development efforts. He is currently working to address the necessity of deliberately leveraging all forms of PAI that enable support to Defense Support to Civil Authorities while balancing civil liberties with information protection all while not hindering necessary accesses so that our national security infrastructure can prevent, deter, and defeat malign and malicious actors against United States entities and interest.
Mr. Danish actively supports and sits on boards of several non-profits relating to mental health and wellness for Veterans, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and Medical Personnel.
- Owner – Blank Slate Solution LLC – National Security and Operational Advantage Consulting to the Department of Energy – National Nuclear Security Agency; United States John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center; Army Cyber Institute- Cyber Critical Infrastructure – Jack Voltaic (Exercises 1.0, 2.0, 2.5,& 3.0); CWMD SME representative to
SOFWERX IF7 2021; Instructor for Information Environment Advanced Analysis Course, Instructor and designer for the Technology Protection and Operations Security Practitioner Course - AECOM Director for Enterprise Risk Analysis and Mitigation Sector, Advisor for Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan development
- OUSD(I) Director, Defense Operations Security Initiative and DoD OPSEC Program Manager
- Principle Staff Advisor to OUSD(I) and OUSD(P) for DoD OPSEC, DoD MILDEC, and DoD Signature Management
- OUSD(P) SO/LIC – SOCT, Division Chief for Information Operations Sensitive and Special Activities
- OSD primary representative to National Intelligence Manager Science and Technology, Foreign Denial and Deception Committee
- OUSD(P) Principle Advisor for DoD Publicly Available Information
- Secretary of the Air Force – Concepts, Development, Management – Deputy Director – Office of Commercial Economic Analysis (Co-founder) – Gray Zone and Defense Industrial Base
- Senior Defense Planner for Information Operations and Counter-Terrorism Operations
- Ranger Instructor and Company Commander, Eglin Air Force Base
Published: Reconsidering Great Power Competition Below Armed Conflict, Co-Author, December 2019 www.thecipherbrief.com