The Citadel Foundation announces $300 million campaign

The Citadel Foundation is launching the public phase of the most ambitious fundraising effort the college has ever undertaken. The objective of the Our Mighty Citadel campaign is to raise $300 million in support of The Citadel’s strategic plan by the close of 2026. More than $226 million has been secured during the silent phase of the Our Mighty Citadel campaign, which began in 2020 to engage volunteers and secure leadership gifts before the public launch.

A gala event to announce the campaign was held in April beneath a tent on Sansom Field in Johnson Hagood Stadium. The event celebrated donors who have stepped forward to make transformational gifts totaling $226,596,553 during the campaign’s silent leadership phase, as well as the many volunteers who serve on the governing boards of the college and its affiliated organizations.

“Thanks to the generosity of those who have made leadership gifts, we have already achieved more than 75% of our goal, but there is much work left to do to ensure that The Citadel continues to educate intentional leaders who are well prepared to deal with today’s challenging global environment,” said Luke Kissam, ’86, campaign chair and vice-chairman of The Citadel Foundation’s Board of Directors. “I am confident we will meet and exceed our goal in support of the college’s strategic plan.”