Native Charlestonian, divorced since 1984, one biological daughter & 2 teenage granddaughters. All his education done locally in Charleston area. He enjoys mediation, walking on beach, music, traveling, concerts, tutoring, teaching & instructing, counseling, and making friends.
Areas of Licensure/Expertise: Secondary Mathematics Teacher; Secondary Guidance Counselor; Adult Education Instructor; Electronics Repair & Calibration; Technical Curriculum Development & Evaluation; Educational Leadership & Management; Counseling & Psychology
Experience: Over 40 years of teaching and instructing college and university level courses (both undergraduate and graduate). Have traveled with Navy extensively circumnavigating the globe, at least 3.5 times, visiting and experiencing many cultures (including active war zones).
Teaching Philosophy: Students of varying ages and phases in life learn very distinctly and eclectically usually involving pedagogy, andragogy, & heutagogy, inter alia. As a person educated and trained academically, vocationally and experientially, I offer a compassion for students and their learning coupled with a plethora of instructional methods. Consequently, helping students learn is my professional purpose and passion in life.
B.S., M.Ed., E.M.E.M., M.Ed., E.d.S., I.S.D.S.