The mission of Facilities & Engineering is to provide a physical environment that promotes effective educational, athletic, spiritual and cadet/military programs at The Citadel. Functional requirements include providing a responsive work force and resources to maintain existing facilities, support campus events and plan future needs. Responsibilities include minor construction, facility maintenance and repair, custodial and refuse services, utility service, energy management and transportation.
Campus Work Photos:
The Citadel Carpenter Shop is putting the finishing touches on the new sidewalk access to the Radio Frequency testing chamber at the Coin Laundry building. This project involved the disassembly of the RF chamber from Grimsley 110, re-assembly of the RF chamber in the modified coin laundry bay, and the construction of four new faculty/staff office’s in Grimsley Hall. This project was finished ahead of schedule due to the combined efforts of the Carpenter, Paint, Electrical, and HVAC Shops. 12/10/2013

(Coach Higgins joins the team after a successful project completion. 11/5/2013)
Another successful project completed by our Citadel Paint Shop. By utilizing in-house craftsmen, this project was completed on time and on budget. The new protective exterior coating will protect the building from elements, extend the useable life span, and enhance the overall look of The Citadel campus.
F&E support to set up and tear down for events such as special dignitary visits, Ring Ceremonies, Graduation, etc.

Citadel Paint Shop volunteering their time to improve the cross walk and Burke Bulldog paw prints.
Electric Shop working at The Citadel Beach House repairing luminaires.
The Citadel Paint Shop performs the finishing touches on the foundation for The Ring Monument.

The Citadel Ring – Grounds crew creating an aesthetic landscape for The Ring Monument.

Army Wives cast