Summerall Chapel

Summerall Chapel is a non-denominational chapel located on The Citadel campus. The Chapel supports students by advocating for religious expression, offering counseling and support services, hosting engaging faith-based programs and supporting over 15 Campus Ministries operating at The Citadel.

Named for Gen. Charles P. Summerall, the 10th president of the college, Summerall Chapel was erected in 1936 and 1937. Cruciform in design, the non-denominational chapel is a celebration of religion, patriotism and remembrance. From the air, the red clay tile roof forms a cross. The chapel was designed in the spirit of 14th-century Gothic architecture. The pews and furnishings throughout are plain-sawed Appalachian Mountain white oak that are stained cathedral brown. The ceiling and timbering are pine. The lighting fixtures are all handcrafted wrought iron. Hanging from the walls are flags from the 50 states and the territories.