Dr. Michael Sun
Associate Professor
Dr. Sun is a veteran of the Taiwanese army, retiring as colonel. He joined the Citadel faculty in the fall of 2018 as an Assistant Professor of Political Science. Prior to this, Michael was a Visiting Scholar at The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and adjunct assistant professor at The National Defense University of Taiwan. Dr. Sun is the author of China’s Cultural Soft Power in the United States and The U.S. Government Decision-Making Process in the 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis. His research interests are East Asian security and politics, U.S.-China relations, and U.S. security policy in Asia. He teaches East Asian Affairs and International Politics.
Ph.D. Asia-Pacific Studies (National Cheng-chi University)
Ph.D. American Studies (Tamkang University)
M.A. National Security and China Studies (National Cheng-chi University)
M.A. Public Administration (National Cheng-chi University)
M.A. Foreign Language & Literature (National Defense University)