The Zucker Family School of Education has two new hires. Leonard Annetta, Ph.D., was named dean, and Greg Harrison, Ed.D., was named education lead.
Professor of Counselor Education Guy Ilagan facilitated training for suicide assessment and safety planning in Belize. Supported by the Faculty Summer Provost Research Grant, Ilagan utilized a Basic Suicide Assessment and Safety Planning Training Facilitator’s guide that he developed with the assistance of fellow facilitators. The training served 33 participants, including social workers, counselors, nurses, physicians, military personnel and other professionals employed by the government of Belize.
The Anita Zucker Institute for Entrepreneurial Education Leadership has formed a new partnership with the Pee Dee Consortium to provide leadership pipeline development. Nine of the consortium’s districts will participate in the program, including Darlington, Marion, Lake View, and Georgetown. In the upcoming year the partnership plans to focus on teachers in the leadership pipeline, with the goal of developing additional pipelines annually.
For a second year, the ZFSOE helped incoming cadets prepare for their first year through its Summer Bridge Program. Building on the success of last year’s program, the CSI Summer Bridge initiative has increased in size to 86 students, a large jump from the 46 participants who completed the program in 2023.
Read more at The Citadel Today