Notes from Engineering
2023 Senior Military College and Service Academy Warrior Week DeepRacer Tournament
The Citadel competed against the United States Naval Academy and the United States Military Academy at West Point at the AWS DeepRacer Tournament on November 8 in Buyer Auditorium. The Citadel School of Engineering team, including Cadets Blakeley Odom, Brian Bradrick and Frederick Vogel, coached by Assistant Professor Pooya Niksiar, won in the AI Autonomy Innovation competition.
Physics Competition
Mechanical Engineering Cadets Elizabeth Lockridge, Matthew Unden, and Mario Sias participated in The University Physics Competition in November. The competition is an international contest for undergraduate students, who work in teams of three at their home colleges and universities all over the world. Participating students spend 48 hours analyzing a real-world scenario using the principles of physics and compose a formal paper describing their work.
Programming Competition
Three teams from the student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers competed in the October 28 IEEEXtreme Programing Competition. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE student members compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
Students from The Citadel who participated included Caitlyn Tyson, Erika Hernandez, Anthony Shawn Cole, Jacob Platt, Ariel Elliott, Adam Shingler, and Dalton Hazelwood.
Advisory Board Meeting
The Electrical and Computer Engineering department hosted an Advisory Board meeting November 10. The advisory board is made up of alumni and friends of the department from a wide array of industry and military backgrounds, many of whom have served on the board for over two decades. Board members met to discuss both departmental and School of Engineering updates, including the initial ABET visit for the computer engineering program, the new engineering building, and the School of Engineering’s new strategic plan. Students were given the opportunity to gain insight and hear from electrical and computer engineering board members during a mentorship luncheon.