The Citadel Clery Act Compliance Committee (CCACC) is responsible for overseeing the College’s compliance with the Clery Act*. The Title IX Coordinator / Compliance Officer will chair the committee along with representatives from various campus constituencies. The CCACC will coordinate Public Safety as well as other campus groups to provide leadership and ensure full compliance in the areas of reporting, policy and procedure development and implementation, annually updating the Campus Security Authority (CSA) list, and providing educational programs.
The College encourages every member of the community to report any criminal activity to the Department of Public Safety. The Department of Public Safety is responsible for gathering and sorting all reportable statistics for the Annual Fire Safety and Security Report (AFSSR) from all on-campus and all available off-campus resources and for the daily crime log, annual crime statistics and timely warnings and providing these statistics to The Title IX Coordinator / Compliance Officer.
The CCACC will meet a minimum of three times each year, and more regularly, as needed. The first meeting is designed to review updates to the law, review policies and procedures connected to the Clery Act, and gather initial data for the AFSSR from The Citadel Department of Public Safety, City of Charleston Police Department, CARE, CADIC, EHS, and The Office of Discipline. The second meeting will be held to update various policies (e.g. Crime Reporting, Emergency and Non-emergency procedures, and Security of Facilities), identify programming efforts (e.g. Campus Crime Procedures, Crime Prevention, Drug and alcohol abuse Education and Campus Security Authority (CSA) training), begin reviewing crime and disciplinary data to avoid duplication of the same incident and review communication efforts with the local neighboring Police Departments. The third meeting will be utilized to finalize the data elements for the AFSSR make any final policy updates, and confirm revised procedures for distributing the AFSSR.
The Assistant Commandant for Discipline, CARE Director, CADIC Director, and Title IX Coordinator work with Public Safety to identify all actions that have been referred for campus disciplinary actions in the areas of liquor law violations, drug law violations, illegal weapons possessions, sexual misconduct/intimate partner violence and all other reportable incidents as defined by the Clery Act, including subsequent revisions as amended through 2013. The Compliance Office is responsible for ensuring that prospective students and employees have access to the AFSSR. The Director of Public Safety and Compliance Officer, in conjunction with community partners, is responsible for the preparation of the AFSSR, publishing it with the Public Safety crime statistics, and arranging for its direct delivery to all current students, faculty, and staff. The Director of Public Safety will be responsible for completing the Campus Safety and Security Survey annually, as required under the Clery Act.
* The Clery Act of 1990, as amended and the United States Department of Education implementing regulation, 34 CFR Part 668 is a landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose statistics about crime on and around their campuses and information about certain safety and security policies. For additional information please refer to: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)). The law is tied to an institution’s participation in federal student financial aid programs and it applies to most public and private institutions of higher education. The Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education.