What Are Strands?
A strand is a series of classes that are part of our theme-driven curricula at The Citadel. The curricula for each strand is engineered so that each course works in concert with its counterparts in order to achieve stated learning objectives. Each strand consists of five general education courses, one leadership course, and a capstone. All seven courses must successfully be completed in order to satisfy the requirements of the chosen strand.
The goal of General Education courses is to develop our students’ skills and dispositions in six essential areas: quantitative literacy, written communication, critical thinking, inquiry and analysis, intercultural knowledge and competence, and ethical reasoning and action. Strands allow students to achieve general education goals within a specific academic discipline while emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives. Strands provide students the opportunity to successfully complete their general education goals, in a way that is conducive to their personal interests.
Why Strands?
Promoting the intellectual development of our students by affording them coursework tailored to specific interests in the fundamental academic disciplines of mathematics, natural science, literature, history, and social science is central to our strand curriculum. We seek to foster and cultivate a spirit of curiosity by granting them the latitude to determine and pursue which strand they find most engaging.
In following the same theme through five different courses, students will be able to attain a deep understanding of their strand’s topic. The work that they will complete for these classes will reflect a deepening understanding as they progress through the strand. Moreover, the students’ progression through the strands classes will further promote their overall comprehension of the essential General Education outcomes. Strand classes will be offered every semester. Individual degree plans differ, but as a rule, students will begin taking these strand classes in their first semester of their second year and will complete them in their senior year.
How Does It Work?
Students begin the General Education program in their first year and continue to take General Education courses throughout their college careers. The curriculum has been designed to offer both progressively challenging standards and a significant amount of choice.
There are five general education strands to choose from.
Each of these strands are made up of five general education courses organized according to the theme chosen. Each thematic strand contains classes in English, History, Natural Science, and Social Science; there is also an elective class in each strand. In addition to these courses, students will complete a Leadership course and a Senior Capstone.
Each course within a strand is associated with a specific set of course numbers listed here. For example, all courses under the Conflict strand will be 302. HISS 302, ENGS 302, ELES 302 etc.
**Additional information can be found in the academic catalog.
Instructional Video:
Picking your General Education Strand
Declaring a Strand
All students who matriculated Fall 2019 are required to declare a general education strand. This is done on your My Citadel Portal. Please click here for written tutorial assistance. For the tutorial video, please click here.
*The previous Core Curriculum, described in earlier catalogs, remains in effect for students who matriculated prior to 2019.
Once you declare a strand, you can only take general education courses associated with that particular strand. You will not be able to change your strand except with the approval of The Associate Provost in the Department of Academic Affairs. Please take the time to research each strand and discuss this selection with your academic advisor.
Once your strand has been successfully chosen you will see your strand displayed on your degree audit in Degree Works. The courses required for your chosen strand will be displayed under the core section of your Degree audit. See the screenshot below for an example of what it would look like.

Transfer Students
As a transfer student you will still be required to declare a strand and complete the associated courses. The Citadel will be unable to accept any transfer credit in replacement of your strand requirements. However, if a transferable course is deemed fit for another requirement (that is not part of the Strand sequence) then we will award transfer credit where applicable. Required courses can be seen on your degree audit in My Citadel Portal or in the academic catalog.
Honors Students
Information regarding Stands and Honors Students can be found in the academic catalog. If you have additional questions please contact The Director of the Honors Program.