Billing Information for International Military & Government Sponsors
For Military or Government sponsored students, once we receive the Tuition Assistance form, Purchase Order or Contract, we will handle the tuition payment for the student. We will send the sponsor an invoice after the add/drop period, which is 30 days after the quarter starts. Before The Citadel Student Business Services office can assist you to send an invoice to your sponsor, we will need:
Billing contract from the sponsor which would contain the student’s name, Citadel Student ID number and a copy of the sponsor’s billing letter with contact information to ensure that the billing is presented to the Sponsor on a timely manner with the instructions on how to remit payment to the Citadel.
Listing of Allowable tuition and fee. If payments are received after the tuition due date, there may be a late fee charge assessed on the student’s account. Any amount not paid by the sponsor will then be the responsibility of the student to remit payment.
Billing Information for Students After we receive your billing information, we will send a tuition invoice to your sponsor. Any amount your sponsor does not pay is your responsibility. Please bring the sponsor billing information to Student Business Services office at: The Citadel Attn: Student Business Services 171 Moultrie Street Bond Hall Room 112 Charleston, SC 29409-6570
Telephone: (843) 953-5254
Email: Please note that we only bill for students whose billing agreement includes the current semester information.
Internal Revenue Service – Official government website for the IRS.
If you no longer have access to My Citadel Portal and do not have the paper form that was sent by mail, contact Student Business Services office at 843-953-5254 or via email at