What is the National Coalition Building Institute International (NCBI)?
NCBI is a non-profit leadership development organization that promotes skills for working with diverse populations on campuses and organizations around the world.
NCBI has a rich history of collaborating with academic institutions, teaching them leadership skills to reduce conflicts among groups, address controversial issues, and create more inclusive environments. They do so by using a training approach that is skill-based, experiential, and non-blaming. NCBI provides tools and consultation to develop diversity initiatives that meet the institution’s specific needs. The approach trains leaders to handle conflicts and to take principled stands in resolving differences between groups. The Citadel’s NCBI team is focused on enhancing the campus climate for all and developing leaders who function effectively in a diverse environment.
Much of the information found on this website and referenced in workshops and group activities comes from Leading Diverse Communities (2005) by Cherie R. Brown and George J. Mazza.
Leadership in a Diverse Environment
The NCBI has distilled its collective wisdom into concise leadership principles and recognizes that effective leaders learn and practice skills to become better.
Effective Leaders
- acknowledge that every person is important and every issue counts,
- recognize and work with the diversity already present,
- act with courage,
- take care of themselves,
- build and nurture personal relationships,
- listen to people with whom they disagree,
- believe they can make a difference,
- admit and correct mistakes, and
- value and support other leaders