Academic Support
The Citadel offers programs that enhance the educational experience of students transiting from high school and throughout their academic careers.
| Student Success Center | Academic Advising and Retention |Services for Students with Disabilities | Multicultural Student Services | Center for International and Special Programs |
Student Success Center
The Angela W. Williams Student Success Center (SSC) is located on the first floor of Thompson Hall. The SSC provides academic support to all Citadel students, both undergraduate and graduate, through the following programs:
- Academic Coaching
- Athletic Academic Services
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Subject-Area Tutorials Program
- Supplemental Instruction Program (SI)
- Mathematics Lab
- Public Speaking Lab
- Writing Lab
Individual and group subject-area tutorials are available in
most academic programs including but not limited to mathematics, science, foreign language, engineering, and business. Learning strategies tutorials in areas such as study skills, time management, and test-taking skills are also available. Students may set up an appointment by visiting For further information, please email the SSC at or visit our website.
COL Robert Pickering, Director
(843) 953-5096
103 Thompson Hall
Academic Advising and Retention
Academic Faculty Advisor: Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who provides counsel concerning course selections and career paths within particular majors. Students are encouraged to visit their advisors throughout the year, and planning sessions are designated each semester during registration and preregistration.
Professional Staff Advisor: In addition to each student being assigned an Academic Faculty Advisor, the Office of Student Affairs provides full-time professional Academic Staff Advisors who assist and support Faculty Advisors. These advisors help those student who benefit from extensive and frequent advising sessions, to include comprehensive academic and graduation plans and academic coaching.
Company Academic Advisor: Each cadet company has a specially chosen member of the faculty or staff whose responsibility is the academic well-being of all cadets in the company. These advisors work closely with the tactical officer and the cadet chain-of- command to ensure that academic and military requirements are compatible and that cadets take advantage of academic resources available to them. For a current list of Company Academic Advisors, please click here.
COL John Robinson, Executive Director
(843) 953-5155
Student Affairs & Academic Services
369 Bond Hal
Services for Students with Disabilities
Upon admission to The Citadel, students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Disability Services. Directions on securing accommodations are available online.
Ms. Shannon McKenzie, M.Ed., Associate Director
137 Thompson Hall (843) 953-6877
FAX: (843) 953-6823
Multicultural Student Services
The Multicultural Student Services Office provides cultural
programs, diversity training, and mentoring to assist students with improving their cultural competence and leadership skills. The office also provides personal and academic advising for underrepresented students.
Ms. Kimberly Gailliard, Assistant Director
(843) 953-2519
135 Thompson Hall
Center for International & Special Programs
The Center for International Programs (CISP) works to broaden students’ academic, leadership, social, and personal
development through study abroad, special programs (The Citadel in DC), competitive scholarships, fellowships, and more.
The CISP also supports our international students and partnerships. The fellowships branch of CISP assists the college’s most outstanding students – cadet and civilian, graduate and undergraduate – with applying to highly-competitive scholarships and fellowships.
Dr. Zane U. Segle, Director
(843) 953-7083
202 Richardson 2nd floor