The Citadel Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics Is Proud to Present the 2020 Inductees Into The Citadel Academy of Science and Mathematics!
Distinguished Alumni Award:
Dr. Charles Darby (Class of 1954). Physician, Professor, Academic Leader, Philanthropist
Dr. Charles Darby had a 60+ year career as a practicing pediatrician, a medical school professor, Chairman of Pediatrics, a founder of a major medical facility and research center, and a philanthropist for children’s healthcare.

He was the driving force behind establishment of MUSC Children’s Hospital, which is recognized one of the top 10 children’s hospital nationally. Dr. Charles Darby was awarded a Career Lifetime Achievement Award from South Carolina Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Order of the Palmetto, and honorary degrees from MUSC, College of Charleston, and The Citadel for his many contributions to the health and well-being of children. MUSC named the Charles P. Darby Children’s Research Institute in his honor. He remains a tireless advocate for children working with legislators and state agencies to improve healthcare services and education for children.
Dr. Marc Settin (Class of 1980). Chemist, Businessman, Leader, Gold Star Alumnus.

Dr. Settin started Barker Industries in 1987 developing and producing high purity solvents and organometallic compounds for the global marketplace. Current products include materials for antibiotic production, modifiers for air bag deployment, and specific metal catalysts for the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Settin played a key role in establishing the Citadel Science and Mathematics Council (CSMC) and served as CSMC’s first Chairman. Under Dr. Settin’s leadership CSMC became recognized as one of the most engaged alumni advisory groups at The Citadel.
Dr. Settin chaired an ad hoc committee reviewing the Chemistry Department’s laboratory operations which developed recommendations for making laboratory operations safer and more efficient. He also was a benefactor of analytical instrumentation for the Chemistry Department. For the last 38 years, Dr. Setting has been a strong supporter of the Chemistry Department, The Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics (SFSSM) and The Citadel.
Distinguished Faculty Award:
Dr. John Weinstein (Department of Biology) – Toxicologist, Scholar, Academic Leader, Outstanding Educator.

Dr. Weinstein has provided over 19 years of outstanding service to the Biology Department and The Citadel, including serving as Biology Department Head (2011-2016, 2018-present) and Interim Dean (2016-2018) of the Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics. He played important roles in obtaining accreditation for the nursing program, creating the 4+1 MA in Biology degree program, and implementing a research experience for undergraduate biology majors.
Dr. John Weinstein is recognized nationally for his innovative research on the occurrence, fate, and effects of plastics in the coastal environment. He has mentored 29 students in research projects, taught 15 courses, procured external grants valued at over $500,000 including a recent award from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences evaluating the Interactions of Climate Change on Oceans and Human Health. Dr. Weinstein has also published 1 book chapter, 21 peer reviewed scientific papers, 8 technical reports, and made over 48 scientific presentations.
Early Career Faculty Award:

Dr. Rigo Flórez is one of the most productive professors in Mathematics Department with over 30 peer reviewed publications many involving undergraduate and graduate students. His area of expertise is discrete mathematics including number theory, combinatorics and graph theory, which have applications in network theory and computer science. He is the founder and organizer of the Carolina Mathematics Seminar involving 8 colleges and universities that provides undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to discuss and present their research. Dr. Flórez actively mentors undergraduate and graduate research at The Citadel as well as at other institutions. Many of the students he has mentored have received awards for their research.