The Citadel Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics is Proud to Present the 2023 Inductees into The Citadel Academy of Science and Mathematics!
Distinguished Alumni Award
Colonel Anthony L. Baggiano ’61, Physics

Colonel Baggiano graduated from The Citadel with a degree in Physics and received a Master of Mathematics from the Texas A&M University. He rapidly advanced to the rank of Colonel within 18 years serving as Commander of the USAF San Antonio Data Services Center and as an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the U. S. Air Force Academy.
Colonel Baggiano served on the United States Olympic Committee, the Pan American Sports Council (Chair), the USA Water Ski Association (President & Chairman of the Board), the Air University Foundation Board of Trustees, the Montgomery Area Food Bank (President) and The Citadel Alumni Association Board. He has established several endowed academic scholarships for deserving cadets. As President of the Greater Washington D.C. Citadel Club, Colonel Baggiano helped establish the annual Capitol Hill Reception which is critical for enhancing The Citadel network regionally and nationally. Colonel Baggiano is a lifelong example of leadership, integrity, and service to others, and the Board of Visitors awarded Colonel Baggiano an Honorary Doctor of Public Service degree in 2022.
Reverend James R. Lockridge ’71, Physics

Rev. Jim Lockridge graduated from The Citadel in 1971 and completed master’s degrees in nuclear engineering (Cornell University), theological studies (Boston University), and public health and environmental health sciences (University of South Carolina). He is also an ordained United Methodist minister. Jim Lockridge has over 50 years of nuclear engineering and environmental, safety and health (ES&H) consulting experience at local, national, and international levels in the design and construction of commercial nuclear power reactors, and in managing ES&H programs.
He served as Senior Safety Consultant and Inspector to the Department of Energy for research laboratories, nuclear reactors, process plants, and waste remediation sites. In 1996, Jim Lockridge founded Safety Professionals, Inc. to provide reliable solutions to occupational and environmental health problems. He is a lifelong supporter of The Citadel and its values. As a cadet, Jim performed a critical role in the successful integration process serving as roommate and mentor for one of the first African Americans to graduate from The Citadel. Two of his three sons graduated from the Citadel and his daughter earned a master’s degree in psychology from The Citadel Graduate School. Jim’s brother graduated from The Citadel in 1956, his cousin in 1974, and his granddaughter is a member of the Class of 2024. Reverend Jim Lockridge exemplifies the values and character The Citadel strives to achieve in its graduates and his accomplishments bring recognition to The Citadel and SFSSM.
2023 Mid-Career Distinguished Alumni Award:
Dr. Matthew N. Thoma ’98, Biology

Dr. Matthew Thoma graduated from The Citadel with a degree in Biology and attended medical school at the University of South Carolina. He completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Wake Forest University where he also served as the Chief Resident. He competed a Gastroenterology Fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic Florida. Matt served our veterans as a gastroenterologist at the VA in Columbia, SC, and is currently a partner in Consultants in Gastroenterology in Columbia, SC.
He is the immediate past president of the Lexington Medical Association, Vice Chief of Staff and Chairman of the credentials committee at the Lexington Medical Center and is slated to be the next Chief of Staff at Lexington. He is an active member in his community and performs free colonoscopies to the underserved populations of South Carolina. Matt is a lifetime member of The Citadel Alumni Association, continuous member of Columbia Citadel Club, and annual supporter of The Citadel Legislative BBQ. He continues to support The Class of 1998 fund and he donates yearly to the Brigadier Foundation at the General level. He is currently working with The Citadel Foundation to develop a fund for students to support research and unique experiences for those with an interest in the medical field. His character, professional leadership, accomplishments, and persistent support of the Citadel bring recognition to The Citadel and Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics.
Early Career Faculty Award
Dr. Antara Mukherjee, Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Mukherjee is an exceptional scholar and teacher and has provided outstanding service to Citadel students, her profession, SFSSM, and The Citadel. She has published 13 peer-reviewed journal papers and presented her research at 21 local, regional, national, and international professional meetings. She has mentored over 16 math majors for their research projects. Many of these students jointly published their research with their mentors. Dr. Mukherjee chairs the Mathematics Department recruitment committee where she assisted in creation of a video which highlights the benefits of being math major.
Some of her other departmental/SFSSM accomplishments include co-sponsoring a week-long summer research experience for high school students, serving on the Math Jeopardy Committee to host the Citadel Math Jeopardy Competitions on campus and prepare students for regional math competition, serving as STEM scholar program representative for SFSSM, and serves on the college-wide Scholarship Committee. She is co-founder of the Carolina Math Seminar, a biannual seminar of 8 colleges and universities where undergraduate, graduate and faculty provide mathematical presentations. As one student noted in a support letter: “Dr. Mukherjee’s has the natural ability to inspire students, and the people around her, to perform better than they thought possible”.