Frequently asked questions (FAQs) include general FAQs, faculty eligibility, deadlines and number of applications, expenses and receipts and award information.
What is TCF, The Citadel Foundation?
The Citadel Foundation is a private organization that provides unrestricted funds to The Citadel. These funds are used for a variety of purposes that include academic and athletic scholarships, faculty development, student and/or faculty research, faculty sabbaticals, technology, etc.
What is FY?
FY is the acronym for the fiscal year. The fiscal year starts July 1 of the calendar year and ends the following June 30 of the next calendar year.
What is a Page Charge?
The expense associated with publishing an article in a journal.
What is a reprint (Page Charge Form)?
A copy of a published or soon to be published paper that is purchased from the publisher.
What is a galley proof (Page Charge Form)?
The galley proof is a facsimile of the soon to be published article, as it will appear in print.
What is a principal investigator (Budget Guidelines, Research Form)?
The principal investigator is the main person conducting the research.
What does per diem mean?
Per Diem is a standard daily expense allocation. For Citadel grants, this applies only to meal expenses, not the incidental expenses included in federal per diem rates.
Faculty Eligibility
Why are there deadlines for Research Committee Grants?
The SSM Faculty Grant Committee is composed of Citadel faculty members. These faculty members establish deadlines so that their professional responsibilities will not be neglected due to constantly reviewing grant applications. They have responsibilities to their students and are involved in research as well.
Can adjunct faculty apply for Research Committee grants?
Adjunct faculty are ineligible for funds from the SSM Faculty Grant Committee.
Who is considered new faculty?
New faculty are tenure-track faculty in the first year of employment at The Citadel.
Who is eligible to apply for funds from the Research Committee?
Any tenured or tenure-track assistant professor, associate professor, or full professor at The Citadel who maintains an up-to-date curriculum vita that is available on the Web is eligible to apply for funds from the SSM Faculty Grant Committee.
Can travel requests be made by more than one person sharing the same presentation?
On the application form, secondary authors must provide detailed justification for multiple presenters.
Why is an electronic application of the grant required?
The electronic application is read by committee members wherever they may be (at a conference, at home, in the office, etc.). It also minimizes the waste of paper.
Deadlines and Number of Applications
Can faculty apply for grants after the deadline has elapsed?
The SSM Faculty Grant Committee is adhering to the deadlines published on the web site. Faculty seeking funds before or after deadlines must provide a compelling and detailed explanation as to why their grant should be considered.
Is there a limit on the number of grant requests that a faculty member can make?
There is no limit on the number of applications that one can submit during a grant year. However, the Committee has established funding limits for Development and Presentation Grants ($3,000), and Research Grants ($4,000).
Why are Research Grants due seven months prior to availability of the funds?
In order for the dean to develop a budget for the next fiscal year, the SSM Faculty Grant Committee must provide the total proposed research budget for that time period. This information can only be obtained from the sum of the submitted Research Grants for the next fiscal year.
Expenses and Receipts
What are appropriate research expenses?
The SSM Faculty Grant Committee recommends funding for a limited amount of resources to support faculty research. All research funds should have a direct impact on a faculty member’s scholarship. Activities and expenditures which may or may not be supported by CF Research Grants include the following:
Acceptable Expenses | Unacceptable Expenses |
Student Wages | Adjunct Faculty Pay |
Research Equipment | Meals and Refreshments |
Supplies (Office, Lab, Educational) | Pay to outside Consultant |
Telephones Fees | Computer & Home internet connection |
Research Travel | Professional Membership Dues |
Photocopies | Faculty pay to train student workers |
Postage/Shipping & Taxes | Honoraria or pay to principal investigator |
If the Research Committee has to think about the appropriateness of the proposed expense, then it’s probably not legitimate. Specific restrictions on eligible expenditures are listed on the page entitled “Budget Guidelines.”
What could be listed as Other among expenses on the Presentation Grants?
The following items would apply: conference booklet or CD, pre- and post conference workshops, etc.
What receipts will I need in order to be reimbursed for my meeting expenses?
When submitting paperwork for reimbursements, include the following items: conference program showing presenter’s name, registration and other conference costs, airline passenger receipt and boarding pass, itemized hotel bill with name showing, paid itemized car rental receipt, and receipts for other items over $25. For additional information consult the Financial Services web site.
How can research materials be purchased?
Research materials can be purchased using the departmental credit card (up to $1500), cash (up to $200), or purchase order (PO). Cash can be reimbursed by submitting the appropriate form to the treasurer’s office. See the Financial Services web site for details.
Award Information
How quickly does the Research Committee review requests?
The Committee reviews all grants shortly after the submission deadline.
How soon do faculty learn of awards for the following grants: Development & Presentation, and New Faculty Research?
The Committee reviews the aforementioned grants shortly after the submission deadline. Then, the chair forwards the recommendations of the Committee to the dean, who then makes the decision. The Office of the Dean informs applicants of awards shortly thereafter. This entire process may take a few weeks.
How soon do faculty learn of awards for Research requests?
The Committee reviews research grants shortly after the submission deadline. Then, the chair forwards the recommendations of the Committee to the dean, who then makes the decision. The Office of the Dean informs applicants of awards as soon as the budget for the new fiscal year is available. The budget could be available as early as February and as late as April.
Can Research Grants exceed the published limits?
Only in very rare circumstances will exceptions to this maximum be made by the SSM Faculty Grant Committee, but in those instances the applicants must provide sufficient justification for the additional expenditures.
Can Presentation of Research Grants Exceed the published limits?
There is no limit on the number of grant applications that a faculty member can submit, but can only request up to $3,000 per academic year.