Instructions: Fill out and return p.2 at least one week before funds/notifications are desired. Upon completion of the activity/project, please submit a brief report (unless not requested) using the template on p.3 to Vanessa McFadden
Financial Indirect Returns
Basic policy – Indirect returns being allocated to the dean will be distributed as follows: 1/3 to PI, 1/3 to PI’s department, 1/3 remains at the dean’s discretion.
Explanation – Indirect returns from external grants are centrally distributed with 50% going to fund the Research and Grants Office and 50% to the academic school of the PI, at the dean’s discretion. In an effort to not only incentivize faculty but also support the departmental operations due to the cost associated with the research enterprise, the SFSSM policy is to return 1/3 to the PI and 1/3 to the department. Both portions will be transferred to rollover accounts (i.e., in principle, funds remain there indefinitely). The PI portion will be at the complete discretion of the faculty so long as it is work-related expense. The return to the department is at the discretion of the department head; however, they are encouraged to prioritize for research needs (e.g., it is therefore an expectation that the department covers some of the research needs of the PI that are not allowed within the direct cost). The dean’s portion is similarly reserved to fund research needs not budgeted elsewhere (e.g., an unanticipated faculty need falling outside of a faculty grant call or as a supplement to a new faculty’s start-up package). Distribution of funds is expected on a quarterly basis (Financial Services policy).
*Last updated: September 1, 2015
This section deals with School of Science and Mathematics policies and procedures. They supplement college-wide policies and procedures. Where they conflict, college policies and procedures take precedence.
Purpose and Rules
Finance policies are intended to inform people how to consistently manage Citadel related funds, encourage responsible use of funds, and protect the institution.
Expenditures and reimbursement requests should abide by the following principles:
- The business purpose of any expense should be clear and documented. E.g., what is the rationale for purchasing a new computer?
- Within reasonable efforts, and in compliance with all applicable rules and laws, the least expensive option should be pursued. E.g., surface vs deck parking at CHS during business travel.
- The guiding principle should be: is this purchase going to be questioned and, if so, how do I defend it?
- Submitting an appropriately completed reimbursement form with supporting documents is the responsibility of the employee. Delays/rejections will otherwise occur. Copies will be kept in the school office and provided to the college for any audit request.
- In order to reduce errors and inappropriate expenditures, each individual in the approval queue has the responsibility to check all documentations provided, starting with the requestor, the department head and the dean. Each signatory is certifying that they have checked the documentation and, to the best of their knowledge, the provided information is accurate and the expenditure appropriate.
Travel Authorizations
- Employees are required to fill out the travel authorization request form online prior to any expenditures and travel. Failure to do so might lead to reimbursements being denied.
- Students are required to fill out the attached form and submit to the fund authorizer for preapproval (e.g., department head for department funds, dean for school funds, and PI for grants).
Student/faculty Travel Reimbursements
☐ Use most recent Travel Reimbursement spreadsheet found on the Accounts Payable website.
☐ A sample expense clarification is attached. Needed to clarify any unusual expense.
☐ Attach approved Travel Authorization form with reimbursement spreadsheet.
☐ Include hard copies of agendas, flight receipts (with flight dates, times and cost shown), actual program (listing meals – if applicable), and other relevant documents – only relevant pages needed.
☐ Itemize each day on a separate line to include charges for that day only.
☐ For motor pool requests, requestors should put their name in “supervisor” box so we know who the request is for when budgeting.
☐ For Faculty Grants: total due to Employee should not be more than the approved amount.
☐ All reimbursements should be checked for errors and submitted in this order: admin, dept. head, (Vanessa, Dean – if SFSSM funds).
☐ Any signatures on the form affirms that the above procedures have been followed and all respective documents are included on the request.
☐ Admins need to perform a departmental transfer of funds from 7100-7300, when applicable.
BANNER approvals
☐ It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure timely approvals.
☐ When submitting a PR or DP, check the queue to see who is next in line and inform them.
☐ Approval queues can be checked in Banner: FOAAINP
Special Funds Request Forms
☐ Should use departmental funds for under $500
☐ All forms should be checked for errors and submitted in this order: admin, dept. head, Vanessa, Dean
☐ Provide receipts and report to dean’s office when noted
☐ Admins should include ALL documentation when requesting any funding from a dean’s index, including the approved (with Dean’s signature) special funds request form