The Citadel Academy of Science & Mathematics
Annual Awards Banquet
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 3:00-7:00 pm
Charleston Gaillard Center
95 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. cocktails and cadet poster presentations
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. dinner and awards ceremony
To become a sponsor of this event or for more information visit:
The Citadel Academy of Science and Mathematics Sponsorship Page
For questions regarding sponsorships please contact Bobby Houck: or 843.906.5989
To purchase tickets please go to the registration page.
For questions regarding the banquet please contact Vanessa McFadden: or 843.953.5300
CASM Distinguished Alumni Award
- Dr. William H. Porter ‘62
- Dr. Wade H. Sherard, III ‘66
Staff Award
- Col. John Bradham, USAF (Ret.), Physics
Early Career Faculty Award
- Dr. Deepti Joshi, Cyber and Computer Sciences
Non-Tenure Faculty Award Faculty Award
- Mr. Rene Hurka, Physics
Student Abstracts
Title: Vitamin 812 Supplementation Impacts Survivability and Growth Rate of IEC-18 Cells in Culture
Author: Edwin Guo
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kathy Zanin
Title: Temperature Impacts on Feeding Kinematics in the Striped Barnacle
Author: Savannah Fisher
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Clinton Moran and Dr. John Zardus
Title: Low-tech Seed Enhancement Technology Could Improve Germination and Establishment of Longleaf Pine Understory Perennial Forbs
Authors: Michael Disilvestro and Madeline Schmuck
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Danny Gustafson
Title: Shrimp and Grits: Microplastics in Roadway Adjacent Salt Marsh Sediments and Their Potential Effects on Salt Marsh Biota
Author: Dana Norton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Weinstein
Title: Green Synthesis of Heterocyclic Molecules
Author: Isaiah Allgeyer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dung Do
Title: El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Variability Changes during Abrupt Climate Event
Author: Kyle Bernier and Jud Partin
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lisa Zuraw
Title: Effect of Immobilization pH on Adsorbed Cellulose
Author: Angela
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thad LeVasicek
Title: Preparation of PLGA Drug Delivery and Capture Efficiency
Author: Jessica Bailey
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thaddeus Le-Vasicek
Title: Comparison of Adsorbed vs. Covalently-Bound Immobilized Cellulose to Magnetic Nanoparticles
Author: Corbin Snavely
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thaddeus Le-Vasicek
Title: Ranking Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Vendors Across CVEs
Authors: Matthew Collins and Richard Owens
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik, Dr. Jacob Benjamin, Dr. William Johnson
Title: Characterizing Cyber-attacks in Water & Wastewater Sectors of Critical Infrastructure
Authors: Christian Hines and Elisabeth Southern
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik, Dr. Jacob Benjamin, Dr. William Johnson
Title: Securing OT with Software Defined Networks
Authors: Slateon Frederick and William Hall
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik, Dr. Jacob Benjamin, Dr. William Johnson
Title: EGGIS: Expendable Geospatial Guardian Intelligence Systems
Authors: Jonah Dalton and Matthew Decarlo
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Deepti Joshi and Dr. Farhath Zareen
Title: Discovering Drivers of Unrest using Clustering and XGBoost
Author: Dalton Hazelwood
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: Email DNA: Analyzing writing style to detect Spear Phishing
Authors: Joshua McKinley, Brian Mutua and Alexander Tiberghien
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Shankar Banik and Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: LLMs for Situational Awareness in the Arab World
Author: Jacob Tobias Wood
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: Discovering Security Breaches using Deep Packet Inspection
Authors: Chad Dailey and Tyler Furches
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jacob Benjamin and Dr. Deepti Joshi
Title: Is a Cup Enough? Levels of Energy Expenditure During Speed Stacking
Authors: Grace Duncan and Samuel Hines
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ryan Sacko
Title: Correlations of Blink Reflex Parameters with Balance Outcomes after Sport-Related Concussion
Authors: M. N. Haider and Youngho Kim
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dena Garner
Title: Control of Breathing on Aerobic and Muscular Fitness (C-BAMF)
Author: David Gray, Daniel Groce, and Seth James
Faculty Advisors: Dr. George Grieve and Dr. Kimbo Yee
Title: The Influence of Stress on the Menstrual Cycle in the undergraduate student
Author: Jillian Aylsworth and Eimile Quinn
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Imam
Title: The Impact of Synthetic and Natural Opioids in South Carolina
Author: Connor Amon
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Imam
Title: The Influence of Environmental Physical Activity Opportunities on Diabetes
Author: Briggs Rehome
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Imam
Title: An Analysis of Cardiac Dysrhythmia Disparities
Author: Tyler Blackwell
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Imam
Title: Novel Methods of Injury Prevention in Baseball
Author: George Floyd
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Imam
Title: Exploring the Relationship between Grip Strength, Supine to Stand, and the Citadels Physical Fitness Test: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Authors: Grace Duncan and Will Templeton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ryan Sacko
Title: The impact of turf types on player injuries in the NFL: Astra turf vs. natural turf surfaces
Author: Jay Piontek
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ju Young (LJ) Lee and Dr. Kwangho Park
Title: The effect of narrative on the process of empathizing with in-game characters in sport video games
Author: Donald Hiers
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ju Young (LJ) Lee and Dr. Kwangho Park
Title: Exploring the impact of NIL policies on NCAA athletes: Personal, professional, and interpersonal dynamics
Author: Jeffrey Boyd
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ju Young (LJ) Lee and Dr. Kwangho Park
Title: Analyzing NFL fourth down strategies: Impact on game dynamics
Authors: Alex Dure and Cade Smith
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ju Young (LJ) Lee and Dr. Kwangho Park
Title: Prime Progressions
Author: Sadie Gomez
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Antara Mukherjee and Dr. Breeanne Swart
Title: Patterns in a Number Triangle
Author: Zih-Syun Fu
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Antara Mukherjee and Dr. Breeanne Swart
Title: Star Sums and Collatz’s Cousin Challenge
Authors: Stratton Knuth, Manning Hitt, Pat Knuham and Stu Varab
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Antara Mukherjee
Title: Gauss Sum Type for Trigonometric Identities
Authors: Wei- Shan Lu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rigoberto Florez
Title: A unique solution for a puzzle board and the perfect nth power problem
Authors: Garner Page, Aiden Raab, Seamus Steves and Matthew Varney
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Antara Mukherjee and Dr. Breeanne Swart
Title: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): Case Study
Author: Chloe Mckellar
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ashley Bukay
Title: COVID-19 Correlation to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder within Critical Care Nurses
Author: Shannon Curtis
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jody Smith
Title: A Model for Identifying Secondary Eyewalls in Mature Hurricanes
Author: Mitchell Huott
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gabriel Williams
Title: Pocket deployable human detection device
Authors: Jonah Charles and Vincent Massaro
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kaelyn Leake
Title: Portable weather prediction system
Authors: Tristan Eberbach and Sarah Norton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kaelyn Leake
Title: Laser Patterning of Electrochromic Layer-by-Layer Polymer Devices
Author: Tristan Eberbach
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kaelyn Leake and Dr. Hank Yochum
Student Posters

2023 Inductees
Mid-Career Distinguished Alumni Award
Col. Anthony L. Baggiano, USAF, Ret., ‘61
Rev. James R. Lockridge, ‘71
Mid-Career Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Matthew N. Thoma, ’98
Early Career Faculty Award
Dr. Antara Mukherjee, Ph.D., Mathematical Sciences
Student Abstracts
Student Posters

2022 Inductees
CASM Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Joe Sanders ’62, Pre-Allied Health
RADM Will Rodriguez (USN, Ret.) ’77, Mathematics
CAPT Geno Paluso (USN, Ret.) ’89, Mathematics & Business Administration
Early Career Faculty Award
Dr. Sarah A. Iman, Health and Human Performance
Student Posters
2020 Inductees
Dr. Charles Darby ’55, Pre-Med/Biology
Dr. Marc Settin ’80, Chemistry
Dr. John Weinstein, Biology
Dr. Rigoberto Florez, Mathematical Sciences
2019 Inductees
MG Wallace E. Anderson ’34
Col. Randolph J. Bresnick ’89
Dr. Douglas M. Carnes ’64
Dr. Louis D. Quin ’47
Dr. Randy Blanton
Dr. Dan Bornstein
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2019 annual CASM awards banquet!
![[USS Yorktown]](
![[2019 CASM banquet]](
![[2019 CASM banquet]](
![[2019 CASM banquet]](
2018 Inductees
Dr. D. Michael Johns ’72
Dr. Christopher C. Swain ’81
Dr. David C. Swain, Jr. ’80
MG James W. Duckett ’32
Dr. Isaac “Spike” Metts, Jr. ’65
Dr. Mary Katherine Zanin
2017 Inductees
COL Charles R. Ball
Lt. Gen. Frank Libutti
Dr. Samuel P. McManus
Dr. Joel C. Berlinghieri
Dr. Shankar Banik
2016 Inductees
Dr. J. Patrick Johnson
Dr. William Bowers
Dr. Dena Garner
Mr. Rick DeVoe

Pictured left to right: Dean Lok Lew Yan Voon, Dr. J. Patrick Johnson, Dr. William Bowers, Dr. Dena Garner, Mr. Rick DeVoe
2015 Inductees
Dr. Thomas Blackwell
Dr. David Fleming
Brigadier General Harvey Schiller
Dr. Richard Porcher

Pictured left to right: BG Harvey Schiller, Dr. Thomas Blackwell, Dr. Richard Porcher, Dr. David Fleming, Citadel President John Rosa
2014 Inductees
The Honorable Senator Fritz Hollings
Dr. Henry Cross
Dr. Edward Bray
Dr. Charles Groetsch

Pictured left to right: BG Samuel Hines, Dr. Hank Cross, The Honorable Senator Fritz Hollings,
Dr. Edward Bray, Dean Lok Lew Yan Voon
2012 Inductee: James D. Bearden, III
2011 Inductee: A. Fred Holland
2010 Inductee: William T. Trotter
2009 Inductee: John M. Palms
2008 Inductee: Harry Y. “Hap” McSween