STEM Competitions
Each year, the STEM Center hosts over 1,200 students through two competitions:

STEM Competition Trainings
STEM Competition Training provides coaches including teachers, parents, and community members with information about Science Olympiad, Storm the Citadel and the KidWind Challenge. This session is great for those who are interested in getting involved or have competed in the past, as we will go over both basic rules and new improvements. All are invited to join us for a free, virtual, hour-long training.
STEM Events:

Cookies, Cocoa, and Coding
Students and parents are invited to come to The Citadel in December for coding tutorials and yummy treats including cookies, cocoa and coffee. This FREE event is open to students in grades K-12 and aims to provide students with hands-on computing opportunities. Students will use Code.org’s tutorials in order to practice computer science concepts and skills.
We will have different options this year, in-person and virtual.
Sponsorship, Volunteering, and Foundation Gifts

Help Us Inspire The STEM Leaders of the Future
When you partner with The Citadel’s STEM Center, you show your local community, customers and employees that you are dedicated to attracting and retaining the future leaders in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Whether you are a small family business or a large corporation, there are multiple ways your business can make an impact on the lives of students interested in STEM:
- sponsoring competitions
- volunteering
- corporate foundation gifts
Sponsorships offer the opportunity to showcase your business’s commitment to education, building the economy of the future, and enriching the lives of students.
To learn more about how your business can support The Citadel’s STEM Center, please contact Ashley Andrews, Assistant Director, at ashley.andrews@citadel.edu or 843-953-7121 for more information.