If you have questions about any upcoming professional development, please contact Parker Berdon at pberdon@citadel.edu
The STEM Center at The Citadel has partnered with the national Computer Science Teachers’ Association (CSTA), SC CSTA, and South Carolina Department of Education CTE to provide computer science training to K-12 teachers in South Carolina. This professional development allows teachers from all contexts and backgrounds to select a week-long training based on their classroom needs. 2025 dates are June 16-20, 2025. You can learn and register here: https://citadeljalbert.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3rSyjQEcEsiUfm6
Workshops include:
AP Computer Science A (10-12)
CS in Elementary Classrooms (K-5)
Integrating AI (3-5)
Introduction to Programming & Physical Computing (6-8)
Code.org CS Discoveries (6-12) maps to Discovering CS and Fundamentals of Computing courses
AP CS Principles with Minecraft (9-12)
Intro to Web Page Design & Development (9-12)
Intro to Python (9-12)
Cybersecurity Fundamentals (9-12)
EPIC Games Unreal Engine Bootcamp (9-12)
Unboxing CT
A grant awarded by National Science Foundation, the primary goal of Unboxing CT is to investigate computational thinking (CT) teacher learning trajectories and curriculum integration opportunities for elementary teachers. The overarching research goals of Unboxing CT are to support elementary teachers in infusing CT to help students meet content-focused learning goals and to develop further understanding of the learning trajectories through which elementary teachers might move as they begin to integrate CT into disciplinary teaching. Ultimately, we hope that our findings can serve as the foundation for the design of more scalable elementary teacher professional development (PD) and ongoing support for CT integration. We will work intensively with teachers to support them in adapting and implementing interdisciplinary, CT-integrated lessons using equitable pedagogies. This year, the dates will be June 24-27, 2025. Elementary teachers may apply here:
Field Trips
The STEM Center offers field trips for schools across South Carolina. Check out our resources page to learn more!