Wofford College SURF 2016 (SoCon Undergraduate Research Forum) Photo taken by Mark Olencki from Wofford College
Guide to Getting Started
The URO (Office of Undergraduate Research) was established to support the scholarly pursuits of all undergraduate students at The Citadel. This can take the form of the traditional research path such as laboratory or field work in the sciences, researching historical persons, places, and events, preparing a piece of art, to designing and developing prototypes in engineering. Our goal is to foster active learning which means placing the responsibility of learning on you, the student. We want you to question, think, and create. How do you start?
1. Define your interests
Speak to a faculty advisor in your field of interest. Talk to fellow students who are doing research. Attend the annual Citadel Student Research Conference which occurs each spring semester. Gather some ideas.
2. Once you have defined some ideas then go to a faculty mentor.
3. Work with your faculty mentor to plan your project.
Your project may involve the use of human subjects so make sure to complete an IRB and submit it to Dr. Renee Jefferson with the subject line “IRB” before you start your research. Speak to your faculty advisor about all the necessary steps before you begin your project.
4. Want to participate in Citadel SURE (Citadel Summer Undergraduate Research Experience)?
If you are interested in participating in summer research at The Citadel, contact the URO office at uro@citadel.edu.
5. Questions?
For more ideas and help, contact the URO and/or your department.

SURF 2016 (Photo taken by Mark Olencki from Wofford College