The V-TIC, in partnership with the South Carolina VBOC and other SBA related partners, aim to offer complimentary programming that will add value for all entrepreneurs. Feel free to contact is at if you have any needs/special requests.

LinkedIn Networking Skills 2-hour Workshop
- Learn how to make your profile stand out to attract visibility, including the use of keywords to describe your expertise and authentic self, as well as securing your unique LinkedIn URL
- Create a company page to brand, market, and promote your business.
- Create a company page to brand, market, and promote your business.
- Learn to market and promote yourself and your business.
- Learn how to use photos, videos, posts, and documents to tell your story.
- Connection request and acceptance
- And much more.
Scheduling/registration is coming soon.

Has anyone ever asked you, “What are you going to do with your life after the service?”
Would you like to learn how to Design Your Life as a veteran with strategies for exploration, problem-solving, and coaching?
A well-designed life is a life that is generative – it is constantly creative, productive, changing, evolving, and there is always the possibility of surprise.
It’s all about design thinking – how to provide energy and focus on your journey to keep your life running smoothly. The Citadel is one of only 2 universities in South Carolina permitted to use the internationally acclaimed Design Your Life methodology and the first one to bring to it to veterans.
Schedule/registration is coming soon.

FREE training for Veteran Owner/Operated/Lead Businesses. This training is designed to build your awareness of Global Business Management, Global Marketing, Global Supply Chain Management, and GlobalTrade Finance by completing a self-paced online training (return where you left it). The training has 4 domains and videos totaling 8 hours, with multiple knowledge checks along the way to check your progress. Free training for service members and their spouses – learning on demand/start where you left off.
Click here to access the registration form.